Chapter 64

329K 10.6K 17.8K

This song^^ while reading the chapter is so emotional. Thank you guys for this incredible journey

Commonly asked questions:

Do you respond to private messages? Yes I do! I respond to 99.99% & if I don't respond to you, it's because my message box is flooded, so just message me again and I'll get back to you ASAP because I love to hear from all of you!!

What inspired you to create Calla? Calla is me in a nutshell. Everything she's said, I've probably said once or twice or 60 times in my life

Can you teach me Russian? No. No. I barley know English as it is, I have ADD and I will get distracted, and I'm a busy busy monkey.

What are your tips for people hoping to get famous/writing their first book? First off, don't write just to get famous. Write for passion! I literally just wrote what I wanted, and it seemed to kinda work out. Write books because you're passionate and make sure you're not too busy to finish these books. Also, for those wanting to get views (I know that's important) make sure you add AS MANY FUCKING TAGS AS POSSIBLE!! Make sure your book cover is EYE CATCHING, make sure your title reflects your plot and will draw people in, and lastly write about something new and FRESH (ironic coming from someone who writes Mafia Porn) but even if it's a cliché subject, add your own personal twist.

What made you write your books? So basically, I write about things I wish could happen in books, and like my ""fantasies"". I've always wanted a strong female lead who you really see flourish into this incredible person, so that helped in creating Calla. Also, my late brother and I had this ridiculous and frankly INSANE humor together, so I incorporated that into my books.

What're you like in real life? What do you do? Aside from making inappropriate jokes at terrible times, I'm 19 and a finance major. I like puppies and writing and movies (Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, etc.) I play softball, and played ice hockey up until a year ago. I had 4 older brothers. I like throwing things at people, and I have really bad road rage. I live in North Carolina (Raleigh area)  and last night I licked a sidewalk.

Is the "I Am Not A Prostitute" series ending? Unfortunately, yes. I don't want to drag it out because how many more adventures can Calla go on? BUTT I am starting a new book soon.

What's a different thing you do in regards to your books? Well. I make too many jokes. ALSOOO I reread my books quite often and reply to A LOTT of comments that y'all make. Trust me, I see almost everything 😂

Can we get married? Um...YES!!!! I WOULD LOVE NOTHING MORE!!!

Who is Sinister based off of? WELLL, Sinister is honestly just a dream. He's everything I would love in a man (except for the killing/drugs & being a criminal) Sinister is strong, beautiful, and he would do ANYTHING to protect the love of his life. He's funny, and he is absolutely in love with this girl who just smashed into his life. He's everything I love and more.

When you started this book, did you intend to make it a series? Honestly, I had no idea this book would get this famous. When I first started writing, I begged EVERYONE to read it (yes I was that bitch) and I posted promotion everywhere. When I finally got 1k reads, after what felt like forever, I couldn't believe it. I always loved writing, because it's like creating your own little world. After over a year, I hit 1Million views, and this was the greatest shock to me. It's a great milestone on Wattpad, and something that should make you proud. After I started getting famous, and listening to the passion my readers felt for "I Am Not A Prostitute" and it's characters, I knew I had to write another book. Writing a book is a HUGE deal and it takes so much time, and care. But because of all of you, I knew I had to continue.

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