Chapter 56

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Fun fact :))

Did you know...the average penis is 5.57 inches long.

who woulda thunk it :)

I love you guys, I'm so sorry for being so poor at updating, thank you for sticking by my side

"Wait a fucking second, are you telling me I can't get drunk?"

Rachel glared at me, "that's exactly what I'm telling you."

"Okay, but like, what if I only drink a little? Like a shot of tequila every 12 hours. Or-or, like what if I just drink vodka, ya know? Keeping it simple?"


"WAIT!!" I yelled "What about just, like, a small, small glass of alcohol?"

"You mean a shot?"

"Yeah, but classier."

"No." She rolled her eyes.

She didn't even flinch, "Calla, your pregnant. You cannot drink."

My face fell, "What about weed?"

Her face hardened as she shook her head tightly.

"Kay, so how the fuck am I supposed to have fun?"

She shrugged, her eyes flickering down to my stomach, her hands fidgeting by her side.

"What? Why are you looking at my stomach? Am I fat already? I'm telling you I need to buy a Bowflex, or get on that Weight Watchers shit because I eat like 8,000 calories a day."

She smiled sadly, "no, Cal. How far along are you?"

I frowned, "I'm not entirely sure, 4 weeks...maybe more. I don't know a whole lot about pregnancies, I only learned about it from Twilight when Bella gave birth."

"Okay so you know nothing."

"Correcto amigo."

She crossed her muscled arms in front of her chest, her green speckled eyes trailed off, deep in thought.

There was a knock on my door, before it creaked open, revealing Sebastian and Afanas.

I groaned, "Why do you even knock if you're gonna come in anyways? That's like asking a girl to consent to sex while you gang bang her."

Afanas raised a dark eye brow

"Bad example." I sighed, resting my arms on my stomach.

The boys walked in, and soon I had 3 of my best friends sitting around me, their eyes continuously glancing at my stomach before resting on the white of the carpet.

"What're you going to do, Calla?" Afanas asked, his dark eyes looking softly into mine, his hands clenched together in his lap.

I sniffed, "I don't know...I don't know what to do. I want to give this baby the freedom Sinister never had. But I know that's not going to happen...this Mafia is his life. The second I said "fuck condoms" ...this baby became property of the mafia."

"Condoms suck." Sebastian muttered before glancing up at us staring at him, "sorry...I felt like I needed to add something to this conversation."

"You can run away..." Afanas offered softly, I felt the warmth of his hand creep into mine as he intertwined our hands together.

I could't though, as appealing as the idea sounded. I made a promise to Sinister the day I agreed to be his wife. I made a promise to stick by his side, to love him through hardships. I already loved this baby more than I loved myself, but I wouldn't leave Sinister. I owe my life to Sinister.

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