Chapter 25

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WOOO!! "I Am Not A Prostitute" is going to be sold on Amazon on 12/1/19!!!!

Update on 2/23/21 the deal fell through :( but luckily for y'all, my books are staying on Wattpad haha. I wish I could get these published!!

**Sex burns calories, wanna work out??


Sinister's POV: (my fucking fAtHeR)

I looked at her and wondered out of all the girls in the universe, how lucky I got to have someone so perfect.

She was so completely unexplainable. People will take one look at her, and think shes the good girl, but once you get to know her, you'll realize she's everything. She's crazy, she's beautiful, she's funny as hell, she's honest, and you'll never know what she'll do next.

She smiled at me, a beautiful smile that made me so inexplicably thankful. Her jet black hair was a wild, perfect mess. Her bright blue eyes glittered like little diamonds.

I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. I kissed her like her lips were air, and I couldn't breathe.

"God, is it me, or does your room seem unusually elderly?" She grinned against my lips.

I pulled back and glanced around my dimly lit room. It was a big area, but it's true, it was incredibly dark and bland.

Black walls, a few dark wooden pieces of furniture , and a photograph. The picture was of my family, all of them, before everything went to complete shit.

My father was standing in the picture, at this point in time, he was still the head of the mafia, his face was grim, his lips formed into a dull line. Luka stood next to him, his face was young and smiling. He held Sasha in his arms, she was just a baby at the time, and Luka looked so fucking happy and sweet, his childish eyes were bright and cheerful as he held our little sister.

I was 10 years old around the time my father began training me to inherit his position as the head of the Russian Mafia. My face was grim in the photo, shadows hung to the bottoms of my eyes, my expression almost mirrored my fathers lifeless appearance.

My father was never a kind man. No kind man could do the things we do. I didn't know anything about my fathers organization when I was young, he never told me what he did for a living, and I had always been too scared to ask. My mother always tried to make up for his lack of love. She showered us with gifts, hugs, kisses and love; like any good parent.

The day my father called me into his office, on my 10th birthday, was the day my mothers heart broke. Her and I were watching one of my favorite shows, and talking about all the presents and sweets I had waiting for me, when my father called me downstairs.

I will never forget the way my mother sobbed. She never wanted this for her child. I was a good kid, and before I became a monster, I thought I could change the world. I had this dream that I would travel around the world, and spread love and kindness everywhere I went.

Instead I only caused destruction.

"Sinister?" Calla's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, her eyes looked sad as she watched me stare at the photo.

I flashed her a small smile, and put the photograph face-down.

"Well" she huffed "I thought we were gonna have intercourse, but it turns out that I look like an actual hobo, and need to shower."

I smirked, "Flower, you don't look like a homeless person."

She folded her arms, "Hobo. And yes, I do. I look like one of those people who think majoring in Bojangles is actually a thing. And then they realize that it's not, and try to win the lottery because they don't have any fucking money. But then realize that they don't have enough money for lottery tickets, so they set up a GoFundMe, and then realize that they don't have any friends because they're a bitch, and then and then and the-"

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