Chapter 29

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Fun fact:


(Not that I know).

Aleksei is a FrEaK

For someone as rich as Sinister, he sure as hell picked the shittiest motel in the country.

"If there's a hobo in the bathroom, I'm going to slam my face in a microwave." I muttered, throwing my bags onto the lumpy half-made bed.

It was a motel 6, off the high way. For a place as shitty as this, you'd think there would be vacancy's. But no, there were only 2 rooms left in the entire motel.

"I want you gone by morning, got it?" Sin said to Koda, who looked way too happy.

Koda nodded, his steel eyes flickering to me before he sat on the edge of the creaking bed.

"I'm literally gonna scream, this place looks like the inside of a fucking vagina." Rachel whined, walking into the adjacent room.

Afanas chuckled, and pulled out a blunt.

"Calla and I will take this room. Afanas and Rachel you take the room next to ours." Sinister said, pulling out his phone.

"Where do I sleep?" Koda asked, his face still curled into a smile.

"On the fucking floor." Sinister muttered, dialing a number on his phone and walking out of the room to take his call.

"The floor?" Koda asked distastefully, glancing at the stained floor.

Afanas breathed out a cloud of smoke.

"Yes the floor, you fuck face. Got a problem with that? Sleep outside."

Koda stopped smiling, but I could still see that humorous glint lighting up his eyes.

Rachel sat next to me on the bed, resting her head against my shoulder.

I felt bad for her, honestly. There was no way I could ever get out of the shit I was in. But it was my fault Rachel was ever involved. I was the one who broke Omerta, I know she's happy with Afanas now, and I know he'll always protect her. But I couldn't help feeling guilty.

Sinister walked back into the room, straightening out his suit jacket.

He sighed, "Gabriel and Sebastian are taking my jet here, and they're bringing more men. They'll be here by morning."

"Thank god." I muttered softly. Rachel had already passed out on my shoulder.

Afanas smiled, scooping her up into his arms and bringing her into the room next to ours.

Sinister turned to Koda, who still had that sickly smile plastered to his face.

"I changed my mind. You're sleeping in the goddamn bathroom because I want you as far away from me as possible, got it?"

Koda looked like he wanted to protest, but Sinisters face shut him up.

Koda nodded, shooting me a quick glance, before ripping a pillow off the bed and retreating into the bathroom.

I slipped out of my painfully tight dress, and into one of Sinisters hoodies and his boxers. I pulled the hood over my head and lay down on the bed, breathing in the scent of his hoodie.

He laid down next to me, wrapping his arms around me, and pulled me on top of him.

He buried his face in my hair and sighed.

"I love you flower, you're so strong." He said softly.

I nuzzled my head into his suit jacket.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?"He asked quietly.

"I don't know. Your father said you killed them, what did he mean by that?"

"I didn't. My men did, it's a long story baby, and I'll tell it to you if you want." He brushed my hair away from my face.

I shrugged, feeling fatigue flow over me, "It's okay. Tell me tomorrow."

"I just want you to know, that I love you more than you could ever know. You've been so strong, you've been through so much, and yet you've stuck by me. Thank you, Cal. You saved me." He pressed his lips to my head, and I felt myself slowly lull into a deep sleep.


You know those kinds of dreams where you lose yourself completely? The kind where you're on this incredible journey, doing things that could only really happen in a dream?

I was in the middle of a dream, dreaming about being a wizard and eating cheesecake, when something covered my mouth.

It instantly brought back bad memories, and the intoxicating smell filled my lungs and throat, and I felt like I was fucking drowning.

My eyes flashed open to see Koda hovering above me, pressing a chemical-soaked cloth into my nose and mouth.

I felt my heart racing, my blood pumping and adrenaline spiking through my veins. But I couldn't move.

I could see everything, but I couldn't move. I was fucking paralyzed, and every time I tried to open my mouth and scream, I couldn't even open my mouth.

Koda had this sick smile still stained to his face, as he watched my eyes bulging out of their sockets with complete and utter panic.

Dread pooled through me, and I looked around the room to try and find Sinister, but he was nowhere to be found. The door that connected my room to Rachel's was closed.

Koda chuckled, his dark laugh filled my ears.

"It's all good, sweetie. Don't panic." He cooed softly, wrapping his arms around my frame and hoisting me into his arms.

I tried to make a sound, tried to yell, or protest, but nothing came out.

Koda walked out of the hotel room, cradling me in his arms as he walked us towards the car.

I tried to kick or flail my arms, but I felt nothing. I couldn't do anything. I had never felt this useless in my entire life.

He sat me in the passenger seat, I did my best to look at the motel doors, trying to look and see if anyone was watching this. But all the lights were out, and there was nobody to be found.

He sat in the drivers seat, urging the car to life with the keys as he pulled away from the Motel, and sped towards the highway.

I felt a tear make its way down my cheek as I whined. Trying to scream or cry, but no sound came out.

Koda glanced at me, "Don't cry beautiful. We'll be there soon, my little mafia queen. You're in for a hell of a ride."


Short chapter, I know. Don't hate me :(

But it's an ExCiTiNg chapter hehe

Xx - Alekseixx

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