Chapter 39

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I threw a snowball at my brother while he was watching TV, and my mom yelled at me...because APPARENTLY I'm "not supposed to throw snowballs in the house"

Psh, whatever that means.

Anyways, I threw another at him while he was cooking and then proceeded to get sent to my room.



I woke up in bed to find myself alone, wearing nothing but Sinisters white dress shirt. Light flooded through the sliding glass door of the balcony.

I squeezed my eyes shut. Maybe if I pretend like I didn't open my eyes, then my body won't force me to wake up.

Too late.

My head instantly began filling with thoughts, my mind trailing to thoughts of Afanas...

I think about him a lot, I think about the way he carried himself, and the way his eyes glittered with mischief.

I find myself wanting to talk to him, now more than ever. I find myself searching for him inside of everyone I meet. But he won't be found, and it's that dark truth, that hurts me the most.

My thoughts of Afanas immediately led to Rachel.

I pulled out my phone, dialing her phone number.

For the first time, she actually picked up.

"Hello?" Her voice was high and chirpy.

"Rachel?? Oh my god, thank Jesus you're okay. You haven't answered your phone in weeks. Are you okay? Why haven't you been answering my calls?" My voice was desperate.

I heard her giggle on the other line. She fucking giggled.

"I gotta go, Cal." She giggled into the receiver before the line went dead.

I knew she was in North Carolina with her family, she said she needed some time away. I didn't think that time to recover would be so short lived. She sounded as though she was having a great time. Too good of a time to even call her best friend back.

The door to the bedroom flung open, and Sinister stood in front of me. He wore an expensive looking black suit, his face freshly shaved, his icy eyes looked alert and awake.

He grinned boyishly at me as he watched me sit up in the covers.

"Have a nice sleep, flower?"

I stretched my arms out, "Yeah, but holy hell, it feels like someone fucked me with a refrigerator, Jesus Christ."

He snickered, sitting at the edge of the bed as I pulled the sheets up and over my face.

"I have a meeting today. Sebastian and Gabriel will keep you company. I've informed them of your wishes to become my second in command, so whatever you three do, should be related to preparing for that role." He ran his fingers through my hair.

I nodded under the sheets, pulling the blanket so that only my eyes were visible.

"I should be home tonight, okay?" He ran his fingers across my face gently.

I nodded, "Love you."

He pressed his lips to my forehead before retreating out of the room.

I hopped out of the bed, changing into a fitted sweater and pants, and pulled my hair into a high pony tail.

I was in the process of swiping gloss over my lips when I heard the front door open, Sebastian and Gabriels voices rang throughout the house.

I sprinted down the stairs to greet them, Sebastian dangled my car keys in front of me, his face looked bright.

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