A støry 🖤.

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I don't know about your reaction after reading this chapter ... Don't forget to tell me your views in ending, I am giving this update even when target is not complete

"Why?" The only person who were allowed in court room of Jhanshi was Royal members including Abhraam and Other elder respected minister "I asked Why ?" Queen Aasha shouted with tears streaming down from her eyes , Queen Padma rolled her eyes like a cruel lady she proved she is .

"Is there something you want to say for your innocence like you were there for meeting Prince Rudra not killing him , Aren't there any excuse Lady Padma?" king Shivay mocked with anger and Queen Padma let out a sad Chuckle .

"There is King Shivay " She spatted with too much hatred and vemon I her voice "There is , there is the pain of not able to kill Prince Rudra and get married to you , There is the anger for failing in such a simple plan and ruining my all revenge with one mistake" She screamed on top of her voice and Anger ran down in Shivay's spine , he glared her angrily and gritted her teeth in anger , A part of him wanted to snap the head of the lady not before cutting her tongue but the rules and regulations of a king binded him to go in the way how a king should .

"It's last time I am asking , Is there something you want to confess?" King Shivay asked and Lady Padma nodded negatively before something crossed her mind and she shooked her head positively .

"Is it family tradition of Jhanshi to keep a woman with you untill you want her and then find a fault and mistake on her and reject her?" She asked and her question send everyone off gaurd , it was least expected in the situation she is .

"What do you want to say , Say clearly" King Shivay shouted from his place .

"Why are we wasting our time and giving her chance to speak my Lord , we all know lady Padma is in mistake, she is the one who tried to kill our Prince and As per Suraam's confession she was the Mastermind " Queen Aasha interrupted in mid and Queen Padma sent a dirty look towards the Lady Was with an evil smirk .

"If I would had feared for consequences then I wouldn't dared to do something like this Queen Aasha" Lady Padma retorted bitterly and then paused for a minute "But I will die in guilt for not revenging for my child" Everyone gasped and stare her with wide eyes , It's second unexpected thing which happened in court room "Child" the maids murmured to each other  .

"CHILD?" King Shivay stood on his place baffled , he stare Lady Padma confusingly "What the hell are you talking about ?" He shouted and Lady Padma shoted him a disgust full glare .

"I committed the crime and now you can Punish me for that , no more no less" She asked with so much hatred and unaffected look which made King Shivay more angry but he again controlled himself and acted calmly and signed two Lady troop to act.

"WHY you attacked on Prince Rudra?" the lady gaurd held Lady Padma's hand on her back and another lady gaurd pulled her hair from behind making her Yelp in pain , tears of insult , pain and anger Cascaded down from her eyes and She shoted a hatefull glare to King Shivay .

"I asked , Why?" He demanded angrily but all he get silence in response , the little Prince who was witnessing all this sobbed silently and hided his face in his caretaker shoulder , His heart ached in pain seeing his Rani Maa like this , No matter how bad she behaved with him .

"Because I wanted to convert the joyful moment of Jhanshi in sorrowful" She said loud enough for everyone to hear , Shivay stare her with disgust .

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