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This book will have weekly updates. It's a princess tale . For knowing better about the story , You should read description

I am not a racist and from this book my intention is not to encourage racism, I believe that every colour is beautiful and everyone should love the way they are, I want you all to know my mindset behind this plot 'It was simple - I just wanted to show how in old times people has given more importance to white skin and I wanted to show that how princess were asked to be proper and beautiful, My perspective was to show a strong woman who has hidden her real self so that she could make place for herself in outside world, how she was loved for what she was and how she was, even though when people were not aware about her real beauty, I wanted to give a message that it's not colour which makes you beautiful it's your personality, your courage, your beautiful heart and most important the real you, I do believe I have failed at a point in doing it resulting people to think that this book is encouraging racism or something, No my opinion was different my ideology behind it was different, everyone don't see same picture with same point of view, everyones opinion varies like readers opinion varied from mine, and I agree I wasn't able to portray my message in a way I wanted too, but if someone will pay little close attention to the book, then At every point I have tried to show her as strong and courageous women even after people bad remark about her ,and also the male protagonist has fallen in love with her courage with her personality and with her , Not even for a single moment I have thought about racist perspective, I genuinely apologize to all readers who have felt this way while reading this book, It was a fiction book I never thought that someone could be taking it in another way. I am thankful to all of you who has taken it as a fiction and has seen the message I genuinely wanted to pass "love a person for what they are as a person not for appearance coz outer beauty never stick around for forever, at the end it's inner beauty which makes person beautiful and lovable".

#Warning - This book need editing , there are plenty of grammatical and typing error in book , So please ignore that for now , as soon as i will get time i will work on that

Thank you.

Happy Reading ❤

Her hair touched her waist and She pull out her sword and quickly get on defence position as the other fighter sword missed by an inch , She smirked before rolling her head and her wild yet dense hair get wrapped around the wrist of fighter taking him by suprise but before he can make another move she placed her sword on his neck and caged his sword from her free hand

A look of pride crossed on face of other fighter , he quickly accepted his defeat and sat down at front of her on his knees clearly submitting at front of her , Her dominant ego satisfied and She smiled before making him stand on his feet by holding his shoulder.

"Princesss , Princesss" Loud cheers echoched and the Warrior princess turned towards the king , She kept her sword back inside the sheath and bowed down at front of king .

"Like last five year , this year too our winner is Warrior Princess  Anika " King announced proudly and once again the crowd broke in cheerfull applausebut some people were worried for another things, not really paying the attention to the announcement at all.

"Huhhh, I am really worried for princess" One of the lady among group of ladies said with a  look of pity  in her eyes .

"I am too , May be She is best fighter and the one because of whom we are alive but she too need to get marry and have her own children" Another lady said her thought aloud and passed a sorrowful look towards the princess .

"Yep , She is going to turn 25 next month and still she isn't married yet" The previous lady spoke again .

"No Prince  is going to marry her anyway" Another lady from the group said "She doesn't reach beauty standard of royals , her dark skin tone will not attract any prince" she sighed and they all continued chattering and gossiping about the Princess .

"Pita Maharaj" The Warrior Princess bowed once again before she took her respective place with royals , She look beside her and find her both sister who is in lower position than her was gossiping about something without paying attention towards the basic tackling skills performed by their army mens for teaching everyone self defence.  Her sisters is the most beautifull girl among several kingdoms and on the other hand she has the ugliest look among several kingdoms , Her fighting skill is the reason people submits at front of her because in matter of looks she has none but she isn't sad over her looks she is quite happy because she choosed to be like this , She is the one who itself choosed to be ugly.

As the time passed , few more fights took place , the winners were rewarded and the losers were ordered to try their best next time , The final ceremony was about to took place which was making their warrior Princess as chief of Army they were about to start with ceremony but the sound of protest encoached before that 

"A lady can never be the chief" One of the protester shout "Defeating a man in ground is easy but a chief need to fight with many at same time and being a lady I don't think princess Anika can handle more than a man at once" he challenged and it took everything for Anika to not jump from her place and rip the man apart .

"She is the most powerfull one , she defeated many soldiers many times and even won battle against Ratnagarh and Ojhanagar" One of the minister replied , his voice was cold telling the protester to back down .

"So I Challenge the Princes Anika to fight with seven of my man after a week" The man challenged looking straight in Anika's eyes , A loud gasp was heard among people and before anyone can say a word Warrior Princess held her hand up silencing the crowd , Her looks were deadly and her dark skin tone helped to make her look more worse

"I , Anika Singh Rajput accept the challenge of this Young man , I will took my position over the dead body of this Young man" She gritted her teeth angrily and people gasped . The icy cold look crossed her eyes before she shouted " And i will tilak my sword from his blood " .


"Your majesty" The messenger bowed at front of the king , King nodded acknowledging him

"What is the message?" King asked in his hard tone which was enough to make anyone shiver .

"Every kingdom around us is going great , There isn't anything suspicious in other state , In Madhavgarh the elder daughter of Aditya Singh Rajput is challenged by a man over her position as chief army , there is a fight going to took place between princess and seven mens after 4 days" The messenger spilled everything out and King's eyes   shined with pleasure as the last news gained his interest.


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