Bonus : Special Chapter

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"Rudra stop running" Queen Anika called out her notorious son and ran behind him to catch him, the little boy turn back towards his mother with a mischievous glint in his eyes and edges close to the pond making Queen Anika's eyes widened as she shook her head negatively.

"I am going to punish you once I get my hand on you" She said angrily and lunched forward to stop Rudra from jumping in pond, Prince Rudra dodged her smoothly and her leg twisted letting out a painful scream she fell down in pond scaring the little boy.

"Aaaa" She winced in pain and tried to swim her way out but the end of her chunri got stuck in one of outgrown branches from tree, the little boy look down to his mother and jumped inside the pond, he swiftly swim over to the branch of tree and freed her chunri.

"Maa" he whispered and was rewarded with silence and angry glare, Anika without bothering to speak a word swim out from the pond and limped her way to her chamber only to stopped by Sara who questioned her about her disheveled state, and Once Anika explained the whole thing to Sara, her maid cum friend let out a chuckle angering her more.

"Just go Sara" Anika fumed and stormed inside her chamber not before ordering the guards to not let anyone enter inside, Once inside the chamber she made her way to her bath chamber and freed herself from her wet clothes and took a cold bath before changing herself in some plain sleepwear, although it was still evening but she has retired for the day, afterall taking care of two children are one hella task and they suck the life out of her with their mischief.

Thinking about her another child she look towards her two year old sleeping son, who was snoring softly with his fist tightly closed and mouth partially open, she leaned down and caressed his face before placing a kiss on his forehead and laying down on bed beside him, the sad look on Rudra face when she ignored his call flashed in her head but she shook her head to clear it out, she couldn't let the boy have his way every single time, she couldn't melt with few teardrops and forgive him, her softness and love towards him is encouraging his mischief and she very well knows if it will keep going like this King Shivay will not hesitate to send him to somewhere for disciplinary actions afterall he has to rule the throne after Shivay, and Anika doesn't want him to go away so she decided to be strong and tough, and with all these thought in her head she closed her eyes and submitted herself to darkness.


"And Why are you sitting here like this Prince Rudra" the stern voice of his father startled him, with a frown on his face he look towards his father with tears in his eyes before shrugging, he bite down his lip to control his sobs but failed miserably, King Shivay sighed not able to keep his tough exterior, little did he knew it's about his wife who may have gotten upset on something with Rudra, and he somewhat considered himself responsible for it because if he wouldn't have fought with her and scolded Rudra the other day and threatened them to send him away then it wouldn't have been happening.

He has noticed how both his wife and son has started acting different around him, His wife who has been so pissed off by what he has said has moved back to her chamber and wasn't letting him talk to her until urgent and his son who has stopped giving him hugs and kisses like any regular day.

"Did you upset your Maa" King Shivay questioned softly and pulled the little boy on his lap, he placed a soft kiss on his 8 year olds forehead and the boy sobbed thrusting his face on his father's chest.

"Maa got hurt because of me, I was only playing with her" he shuttered and look towards his father with tears in eyes "Maa doesn't love me anymore" the pain in Rudra's voice broke Shivay's heart, he shook his head negatively but didn't interrupt his son who continued "She always play with Reyaansh and Trishna, She doesn't sleep with me, She doesn't want me anymore, If I do something wrong she doesn't scold me like usual she stops talking to me" and It broke Shivay's hurt to hear all this, King Shivay knew whatever Rudra has said isn't true, He has only said what he felt, if only he knew how much his mother loves him, if only he knew how far she has gone to keep her baby by his side he wouldn't have been speaking like this but he knew better to let Rudra know it all so he simply placed a kiss on top of Rudra's head and cupped his face in his palm, he made the boy look into his eyes and whispered "She doesn't love anyone more than you Rudra not even me, You are and will always be her favourite, and Reyaansh and Trishna are too small, they need you and your mother around to take care of them, and she is their mother so she needs to take care of them as well, but it doesn't mean she doesn't love you, she loves you most Son".

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