Wedding Day

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I opened my eyes saw the sunrise rays were slowing creeping into my room. Still in bed I stretched my arms and legs and then it hit me. I'm getting married today, I am marrying Nick today. Sit up and a smile comes to my face, I see Mannie laying by my feet on his back lightly flipping his paws, he was dreaming. I reach over and rub his belly; he instantly wakes up. He stretches his little paws forward and sticks his tail up in the air, he looks so cute. I pet his head and scratch his ear; his pink tongue sticks out as he leans his head into my hand and his back leg moves quicker than I do if I see a frog.

"Mannie, I'm getting married today". Mannie licks my hand and wags his tail.

"Do you like Nick?" I asked, Mannie tilted his head to the side. "Do you think Nick and I will live happily ever after?" Mannie stuck his tongue out, panted and then barked in response as he wagged his tail. It doesn't matter what anyone says I know that my dog can understand me.

"Yeah I think so too".

Knock! Knock! Knock!


"Good Morning your highness" Alfredo walked in with my breakfast tray.

"Good Morning Alfredo, thank you" I said as he handed me my breakfast tray.

"How are you feeling this morning? It's your big day today". He asked.

"I'm happy, I'm excited and I hate to admit it but I'm even a little scared".

"Really? And what is it that you are afraid of?"

"What if I don't make a good wife or a good mother or a good Reina?"

"Now where did all this craziness come from?" Alfredo asked as he sat down next to me.

"I don't know". I responded.

"Well then allow me to put an end to this preposterous notion, Esperanza you are a remarkable young woman, smart, beautiful and kind. You treat others with fairness and justice, you love your family and your people fiercely and would do anything to protect them, now if that doesn't sound like someone who will make a good wife, mother and Reina then I do not know what does".

I looked at Alfredo directly in the eyes and I knew that he meant every word.

"I am incredibly proud of the woman have become and will be even prouder to one day call you Reina Esperanza Faith of Quisqueya".

"Thank you, Alfredo," I said as tears came down my face and hugged him.

"Come now dry those tears, we cannot have a puffy eyed bride, now can we?"

"No, you're right".

Knock! Knock! Knock!


"Hi, I hope I'm not intruding, I wanted to see if could speak to my future daughter in law". Reina Emelina said.

"Of course, your highness, please excuse me". Alfredo said, before he walked out of my room, he turned to me and winked.

"Reina Emelina, sorry that I am still in my nightgown".

"Please, you can call me Emelina or mom which ever makes you feel more comfortable, and don't apologize, if I could I would still be in my nightgown" She said as she offered a small giggle.

"Alright" I said offering her a genuine smile.

"I hadn't gotten a chance to tell you how I happy I am that you are going to be a part of the family, I wanted to thank you for making my son so happy. I don't think I have ever seen him so joyful. And I wanted to thank you for loving him so fiercely, you are the answer to my prayers, you are the woman I hoped my son would one day marry".

Beloved "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine"Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin