I Don't Regret It

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I did it and it felt amazing!!! I wish I could do it over and over again, the satisfaction that raced through my veins when my fist connected with Princessa Rosalinda's face! Ah it was priceless; it goes down in the books as one of the best moments in my life.

Knock! Knock! Knock!


Alfredo walked in with his hands clasped behind his back and a blank expression on his face. I really wasn't in the mood for a lecture on how Princessa's should and how it what I did was wrong. I don't regret it not one bit.

"Princessa Alexis we need to have a talk". Alfredo said.

Oh great! I can't believe I am really getting a lecture, what am I 12?

"Alfredo before you begin, I want to let you know that I don't regret punching Princessa Rosalinda in the face, if I could I would do it repeatedly. I know that that's not how a Princessa should act and you are probably disappointed in me and although it sucks to have you disappointed in me, I don't feel any remorse. I am the daughter of Rey Francisco and Reina Roselia two very hot-headed individuals, so you can't blame me for my temper it's in my DNA. If its once thing my grandmother Reina Miriam taught me is that no disrespects the crown and gets away with it".

By the time I'm done with my speech I feel out of breath and I begin to feel a little uneasy as Alfredo's expression stayed the same. Maybe I went overboard with the whole DNA thing and grandmother's twisted advice.

"Are you finished your highness?" Alfredo asked.

"One more thing I am a grown woman now and I think I am getting a little too old for lectures".

Alfredo's eyebrows shot up and he cleared his throat.

"Are you now finished your highness?" Alfredo asked.

Internally cringing for what is to come I look at him and nod my head.

"Princessa Alexis I am not here to lecture you; I am here to inform you that you left quite a colorful mark on Princessa Rosalinda's face. Although I absolutely cannot condone your actions as your head of staff as a loving grandfather figure, I can say right on!" he replied.

He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed my hand, my jaw hit the floor. I was shocked did Alfredo just let me get away with punching a Princessa in the face with no lecture? No consequences? No way!


"I will deny ever having said this, but I am proud you for what you did but don't go around punching people in the face anymore that is not how a Princessa should act". He gave me a playful scowl.

I was so happy that I jumped on him and squeezed him tight.

"Oh, Alfredo I knew you were a bad ass underneath all the proper crap!".


Dammit took it too far with that one, now I'm really in for a lecture.

"............. Another thing it does not matter how old you get if you deserve a lecture you will get one".

As Alfredo continued with his lecture, I decided to have a seat this lecture was going to take a while.

Oh great!


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