The Unveiling

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"Esperanza please, please, just please listen to me. I love you with all that I am, I never lied to you about that. You are my beloved!"

"I Love are my beloved....I love you".

No! It was all lies, he lied to me, he doesn't love me, he has a fiancé. The words keep on repeating over and over in my head. I can barely see through the tears, my legs are on fire from running, and the pain my chest won't let up. I don't even know where I am running to the only thing that I do know is that I needed to get out of the great hall. My lungs are burning, I feel like I can't run anymore. I stop and rest my head on a pillar, it looks like I ran into the peaceful garden. My father created this garden for my mother, for her to come and relax if she ever needed to.

The garden was wide and had many flowers and statues; most of the statues were designed with romance in mind. How ironic that I would end up here. I walked further into the garden and sat by the fountain that had two lovers embracing and water shooting from behind them, making it seem as if the water was their wings. I looked at the engraving on the fountain, it read "On the Wings of Love". I scoffed, love? What was love? Having someone you love more than life itself and then come to find out everything about them and that so called love was a lie. All that love did was bring me heartache, if that's love then I want no part of it.

"Poor little must be heartbroken".

I turn around looking in all directions and don't see anyone, until I look towards a towering bush and I see a dark figure.

"Who are you? What do you want" I replied.

"Must be tough having someone take your heart out and rip it to shreds".

"Leave me alone!" I shouted.

"I can't do that see I am here to take you...far away where no one can ever harm you again".

My heart started racing, I knew that I was in danger. The dark figure came around from the bush and in that moment I felt the air escape my lungs.

"Captain Juan? What are you doing here? What do you mean that you are going to take me?"

"I am here to make your dreams come true. You see Esperanza I have loved you for a very long time and I intend on making you happy for the rest of your life". He replied.

"What? Have you lost your mind?" I yelled back.

"Now Now Now Esperanza that is no way to speak to your master. Let's settle down shall we?"

"Master? Captain Juan what is wrong with you? I don't love you. I could never love you, and I have no master!"

With that I took out my dagger and held it out in front of me, if Captain Juan got any closer to me, he would regret it.

"Those are such cruel words my darling but it's alright, you will come to love me in due time".

He came towards me and I lunged for his shoulder, he deflected my attack and spun me around pinning my arm with the dagger behind my back and painfully raising my arm until I dropped the dagger. He caught it and threw it into the far bushes. He held me in place and whispered into my ear.

"Oh Esperanza, you see this is one of the things I love most about you, your passion, your fire it excites me so. I can hardly wait to see how you are when I have you to myself in our private chambers".

He smelled my hair, licked my neck and bit into it. I knew well that he left a mark from how rough he was. I screamed from the pain in my neck, I felt so disgusted that pushed my head back wards which brought about a satisfying crunch. He screamed and pushed me down to the ground. I fell hard, as I got up I saw him cradling his nose. I ran to reach my dagger when I heard Captain Juan scream.

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