Before the King's Throne

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I don't know what's worse, having Captain Juan interrupt my dinner with Nick or having Captain Juan help me walk to the throne room. Captain Juan has one arm around my waist and is holding my hand with the other. In my opinion, he is holding on a bit too tight, thank God that we are almost there.

"Captain Juan if you could loosen your grip a little I would appreciate".

"Your Highness please I know what's best for you and I am just making sure that you don't fall". He replied

Is he joking? That's it no more Ms. Nice Princessa!

"Captain Juan I've had it, I will not tolerate you speaking to me in that manner, and my father is going to hear about this now!"

I pushed him to the side and limped quickly to the door of the throne room. My father and mother were sitting on their thrones looking perplexed to see me walking with no assistance and Captain Juan trying to help me.

"Dios bendiga Quisqueya" I said breathlessly.

"Dios bendiga Quisqueya" my parents replied.

"You summoned me, father?"

"Yes, after speaking with your mother I have come to realize that I owe you an apology. As a king, I have every right to be concerned in regards to the actions of the future leader of my country but as a father, I should have heard your side first before reacting. I pray that you forgive me Esperanza".

I smiled it felt good knowing that my father understood me.

"I forgive you, father".

"Good. Now on to more important matters, the ball will be held in a few days. I have extended the invitations to all of the surrounding kingdoms. This means that you must be prepared Esperanza this is a very big deal and it can have an effect on our kingdom". He said.

"I am ready father and I assure you that I will not let you down, you have my word".


"Now father there are certain matters that I would like to speak to you about".

"Go on".

I took a deep breath and prepared myself to tell my father how I really feel towards Captain Juan.

"Captain Juan this is a private matter, please leave us".

"I cannot do that Princessa, it is my duty to be with the royal familia at all times".

"Father, Mother".

"Captain Juan, I believe that my daughter has commanded to you leave us, as your princessa do as she commands". My mother said.

Go, mom! It's about time my parents saw Captain Juan's true colors. Then Captain Juan made a stupid move, he hesitated...

"Captain Juan, what's gotten into you? Did you not hear the Reina or Princessa? Leave!" I could tell that my father was beginning to get upset.

With an angry look on his face, Captain Juan cleared his throat and said "Yes your highness" bowed and left. Finally, he was gone, it was time to finally tell my father the truth.

"Father now that we are all alone, I have to let you know that I can no longer take the insolence of Captain Juan. His constant interruptions and blatant disregard for my wishes has gotten to the point where I can barely stand the site of him".

"Esperanza Captain Juan has protected this family for years and his father was a good friend of mine. What would you have me do, have him thrown in the dungeon?" my father said.

"Now that you mention it, that doesn't sound like a bad idea".

"Esperanza!" my mother exclaimed.


"Esperanza you have my word that I will speak to Captain Juan and I promise you that he will begin to treat you the way a Princessa should be treated. As a matter of fact, Captain Juan!"

Captain Juan came running in, he bowed and said "Yes Rey Francisco".

"What is this that I hear of your disobedience and lack of respect towards Princessa Esperanza, what do you have to say for yourself?"

"Rey Francisco, I deeply care for you and your family, especially for Princessa Esperanza and I humbly ask for forgiveness if I in any way made you or the Princessa feel that I failed as your Captain".

I looked at my parents hoping that they could straight through him. I could tell that they were fully convinced but weren't going to continue the subject.

"Apology accepted Captain Juan." My father said.

"Esperanza do you have anything to say to Captain Juan?" my mother said.

Oh, boy did I ever and now that I had my parents backing me up, Captain Juan was dead meat. I turned around, looked at him straight in the eye and in a low threatening tone said:

"Captain Juan heed my father's warning, your days of insolence are over!"

He looked at my parents and then to me, he eyes flashed from my eyes to my mouth and he gave me a wicked grin.

"Buenas Noches Princessa". He said and walked off.

"Father, I have a really bad feeling about him".

"Don't worry Esperanza focus on preparing yourself for the ball and I will worry about the rest, goodnight mi hija." My father said.

"Don't worry Esperanza your father will take care of everything, goodnight mi hija" My mother said.

I can't say that their words gave me a lot of comfort but at least everything was out in the open.

"Yes, father. Goodnight Mother, Father, Quisqueya Reinara por Siempre".

"Quisqueya Reinara por Siempre". They both replied.

I walked out of the throne room and headed towards my room. It was late, my ankle was still tender and I was sleepy. I put on my nightgown on and got into bed. As the moonlight crept in my room, I felt my eyes grow heavier and heavier. My mind drifted off and I started to dream about my time with Nick.



"Yes, Master?"

"I've had enough, do you have the information I requested."

"Yes Master and I have already begun the preparations, Nick's doom is approaching. Soon the Princessa will hate him with such a passion that she will have no option but to be with you."

"Good! I need her in my clutches, I have to teach her a lesson on how to speak to her master."

Beloved "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine"Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя