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I was overwhelmed with excitement, tonight I would finally be able to talk with Nick and get to know him. The day felt like it went on for forever. Alfredo made me recite a lot of the things he said because he knew that my mind was elsewhere. As I sit at my vanity having my hair combed, I begin to feel butterflies in my stomach. What if I choke up? What If I stutter? What if I say something dumb?

I'm not so sure about this anymore. Wait, wait a minute! Come on Esperanza, you can do this! You are the future Reina of Quisqueya! There is no one that can intimidate you!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"AH!" I screamed. Why did I scream I really need to calm down.

"Adelante" Alfredo walked in, thank goodness.

"Oh it's just you Alfredo, I thought it was..."

"Sir Nick? Of course. Your Highness, I am here to escort you to dinner." He said.

"Alfredo, I thought I was having dinner in my room, I can barely walk. Where am I going to have dinner?"

"In your bedroom? Of course, not that would be most inappropriate! Now if you are so kind as to join me on your balcony, while you were getting ready, I had a little set up made for you and Sir Nick".

Alfredo helped me up and took me to my balcony, it was beautiful. There was a small table set for two, candle lighting, it was perfect.

Hugging Alfredo, I said, "Alfredo it's perfect, I love it, thank you!"

He laughed and said, "Well let's just say that I have a good feeling about this."

Just then I heard someone clear their throat, we both turned around to see who it was, and it was him, it was Nick. He looked perfect, he wore a black and silver tunic with matching pants and boots with his sword at his side he looked like an angelic knight. Wait is he holding what I think he's holding..... He was holding a pink rose!

"I hope I am not late," He said.

"Of course, not Sir Nick you are right on time". Alfredo replied. Alfredo helped me to my seat, I tried to regulate my heartbeat but it was not listening to me.

Nick came to my side bowed and while handing me the pink rose said: "Your Highness this is for you."

I took it and smelled it, I felt my face warm and felt my stomach flip. "Thank you, Nick". He gave me a dazzling smile and took a seat.

"Well, I will leave the two of you alone, if I am needed please ring this bell". With that Alfredo walked out and the moment I had been waiting all day for was finally here.


"So" we both laughed realizing that we both spoke at the same time, I guess you can say that we were both nervous.

"Please, you first," he said.

"No please you first" I replied knowing full well that I would start stuttering if I spoke first.

"Alright, so what were you doing in the forest alone?" he asked.

"Is it really that odd that a woman goes into the forest to get some peace and quiet?"

"No, not all... but when that woman is a princessa it does seem a little odd. Don't you think?" he gave me a sly smirk knowing that he had made a point, ha well two can play that game.

"Alright point made, but can't the same be said for you? What are you doing in the forest alone? You don't seem like a traveler, gypsy or seller. So, what brought you to my kingdom?" Ha! I got him!

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