Season 3: Episode 19

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| November 22 | Thursday Afternoon |

~ Megan's POV ~

Mumbling voices came from the radio and attempted to fill the silence as Sam and I made our way to Casey's family's Thanksgiving gathering. I knew she was nervous. I was nervous for her, but I also knew neither of us wanted to spend Thanksgiving alone. Not after everything that had happened this past weekend.


I sat at the dining room table and typed away on my computer, organizing my thoughts and trying to stay caught up for when I had to return to work after Thanksgiving break. Sam was currently out attending another therapy session but should be on her way home at this time. Charlie was curled up on the couch, and when I looked at her, her tail wagged, probably from expecting me to call her over and play with her.

Things felt so different after this weekend. I was confused on what to do after Sam's epiphanic apology yesterday. The atmosphere felt stiff. Everything felt out of place. Regardless, Sam had agreed to give me the space I needed to sift through my thoughts, which meant continuing to sleep in the guest bedroom. It was very selfless of her, but after weeks of sleeping alone before all of this happened, it was starting to get to me.

That's when the front door opened, and Charlie jumped up from the couch to greet Sam. I didn't say anything, but I could tell she had been crying. Probably from another heavy session. I remained silent as I assessed my feelings of seeing her.

I still felt betrayed, that was obvious. I felt sad. I felt angry. I watched Sam greet Charlie with a few pets and scratches, and then look up at me. She exhaled heavily and smiled before heading into the kitchen to fix her something to eat. My heart squeezed at the sight. I still loved her tremendously, that was true.

"Dr. Dupree told me I should talk to you about Thanksgiving," she said as she stirred the pasta in her bowl. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I hesitantly closed my laptop. "What exactly do you want to talk about?"

"Well, do you want to go?" Sam wondered. "To Casey's family's gathering?"

I took in a deep breath and wondered how being honest would affect her. Of course, I wanted to go. The last thing I wanted was to spend Thanksgiving alone, but I was worried about how Sam would feel. I always worried about how Sam would feel.

"I do," I answered. "I really do."

Sam just nodded as she took a bite of her food and thought. I wondered if she was going to share. After all, being completely open and honest with me was part of our new agreement to help heal.

"I'm nervous," she admitted. "And I'm sure you already know that, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea that I go."

"So, where does that leave me?"

"I'm not gonna stop you from attending if that's something you need." She looked up at me. "But it might be without me."

~flashback ends~

Sam had decided this morning to join me. I was relieved she had, but also nervous because I didn't know what today had in store for us. It had been five days since the wedding, and I worried that Sam would digress in the face of her parents. I wasn't sure if she was ready, but there was something different in Sam. It was something I didn't know how to describe.

We pulled up to the house in which the gathering was taking place and I parked my car. Sam remained awfully quiet, which meant she was silently panicking. The paranoid part of me told me this wasn't a good idea, but the optimist in me said not to write it off just yet.

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