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| March 23 | Friday Evening |

~ Sam's POV ~

As much as I'd like to believe that the Nikki thing was behind me, I knew that wasn't the case. We had settled a battle, but for some reason, with Nikki still being around, there was still an underlying war.

Her presence, even when she wasn't physically with me, caused tension. And knowing that she had attempted to manipulate Megan and make it seem like I was the problem made it worse.

I still had anxiety over the situation but was managing to keep it at bay. For now.

I arrived at work a few minutes early due to little traffic and found Sara already there readying for the shift. Mariah was her counterpart for the evening but hadn't arrived yet. She should be here soon.

"Hey Sam," Sara greeted.

"Hey Sara," I answered. "Need help with anything?"

"I think I got it." She looked around. "I'll ask Mariah to stock the mugs and pints when she gets here."

I just nodded and walked to the office, knowing it wasn't my job to do the bartender's opening work, but sometimes helped anyway.

I typed away, working on the books and emailed Danna back and forth for a few, until I realized thirty minutes had passed and I hadn't seen Mariah walk in for work.

I stood and went to the bar, only to find Sara alone.

I frowned. "Mariah isn't here?"

Sara just shook her head, too concentrated while mixing a drink.

I took my phone out. She was thirty minutes late, which was odd. Usually, if someone was late, they'd call and let us know. I had nothing from her.

I typed a message and waited for a response.

Five minutes passed. Then ten. Then fifteen. Still nothing.

So then, I called.

The phone rang and rang, and then went to voicemail. I tried again but had the same result.

At this point, Mariah was almost an hour late for work and I was growing more worried than annoyed. She tended to get herself into situations, and I couldn't help but wonder if this was one of those times.

Was she okay? Did she need help? Where was she? And why wasn't she answering her phone? My heart began to race.

I began pacing towards the back entrance, ready to call her again as my phone pressed against my ear, but when I made it outside, she was walking up.


"Look, I'm sorry," she blurted groggily. "I lost my phone, and I-I passed out at m-my friends..."

There was something off, but I couldn't pinpoint it. She never really stuttered, which was weird, but maybe she was just tired from her nap.

Protocol was a write up. Those were the rules, written in all of our hiring contracts, but I couldn't find the heart to do so. I was the manager, and my employees wouldn't question me if I bended just a little, right?

"Alright," I said.

I followed her inside, watched her put away her things, and get to work next to Sara, who didn't seem all too happy. I decided I would let them talk it out on their own without interfering and headed back to the office.

Considering spring break was technically in session, a lot of our crowd was heading out of town. Megan and I didn't have any plans for next week except for relaxing, and my few shifts.

The Everyday Adventures of Sam and Megan (GirlxGirl)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora