Awkward Reunion [S1:E18]

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| December 19 | Tuesday Morning |

~ Sam's POV ~

The tingle of something on my neck tickled me out of my slumber. The heaviness of my eyes became lighter as I groaned in protest. I didn't want to get up yet. The sun was barely shining through the curtains! I swear if Charlie-

"Sammy..." Megan's voice sang. "Get up..."

I felt the bed shift as velvet lips traced along my neck and to my ear. A shiver ran down my back as a slim finger traced my spine. Suddenly my body was awake and ready to go.

I faced her only to feel a smooth leg wrap around my hip. Our chests pressed together as my eyes fluttered open. I couldn't help but stare at Megan for a minute.

"How do you wake up perfect?" I mumbled.

"How are you so charming this early in the morning?" she retorted.

I smirked as I felt her warm hands press against my stomach under the fabric of my shirt. That's when I glanced behind her and at the clock on the table near our bed.

"Why are you up at eight? You don't have school to get to," I asked.

"Tell that to my brain," she protested. "I haven't been able to sleep past seven-thirty."

"Except for that morning of your first final."

Red tinted her cheeks. "Yeah, well, we had a long night."

I pulled her closer. "And since I don't have work, we can have a long morning too..."

That's when Charlie tore through the living room and into our bedroom. She leapt onto our bed and basically attacked my face with her tongue.

As I pried her off of me, Megan couldn't help but laugh.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who can't sleep anymore."

Once I tamed my dog, I pulled away and locked eyes with Megan.

"Don't act like you two didn't plan this."

"We didn't!"

Charlie curled up between Megan and I and eyed both of us with those dreaded eyes that begged and broke us down every time. Especially Megan.

"Awe..." Megan scratched Charlie's head. "Let's bring her to the pet store."


"Because... it's almost Christmas."


"And?" Megan huffed. "We need to get her presents."

"I haven't even gotten you presents yet."

Megan shoved me. "Sam!"

"I'm just kidding!"

Charlie licked my cheek at the excitement.

"Fine," I broke. "We'll bring her. But you're in charge of making sure she doesn't eat the birds."

"As if."

We got up and dressed for the day, knowing that there wasn't much to do besides do some Christmas shopping and finally decorate our bare tree standing in the living room. It was pathetic really, but Megan and I hadn't had time to even think about anything but work, school and bills up until today.

I clipped Charlie's harness on and walked her out into the winter morning with Megan by our side.

"You know, she might be a little crazy to bring in public."

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