The Morning After [S2:E7]

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| March 3 | Saturday Morning |

~ Sam's POV ~

"Oh my God! I'm sorry!"

The slamming of the door startled me awake. I jumped up ready to fight.

"W-What the-"

"Samantha Carson," Megan hissed as she stood near the door with nothing but a robe on. "Who the hell is in our living room?"

At first, I couldn't quite wrap my head around what was going on. Someone was in our living room? I had no idea-



"Shit," I muttered. "Shit, babe, I'm sorry. I didn't tell you last night because you were sleeping, but I had to pick up Mariah, and she was drunk off her ass. I couldn't let her drive home, so I let her crash on the couch..."

Even though I was telling Megan everything, she didn't look impressed. Not one bit. And judging by her wet hair, I guessed it was because she had taken a shower, and then threw the robe on to go and make breakfast.

She pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance. "Well, she's awake, and ready to go."

I stood and began slipping on clothes.

"I'm sorry," I apologized again. "I'll bring her to her car right now. We can talk when I get home?"


I rushed out the bedroom door and looked at Mariah. "Let's go," I said as I grabbed my keys.

We walked outside in silence. I knew the situation had probably startled both Mariah and Megan, and there was a sense of shame in Mariah's aura. I had felt that many times before.

It wasn't until we were on the road that she broke the silence.

"I didn't mean to piss off your girlfriend," she said.

"She's fine." I squeezed my wheel. "I mean, she will be fine once we talk."

"You didn't tell her you came get me?"

"I didn't tell her you were crashing on our couch."

Mariah fell silent as she rolled down my passenger window and lit up a cigarette, automatically offering me one. I took it without hesitation.

We drove in silence for a few more minutes before I rolled up in Jinx's parking lot. I looked over to Mariah who was smoking her cigarette exceptionally slow and wondered what the hell had happened last night.

"Do you wanna talk about last night?" I asked.

She just exhaled smoke out the window.

I didn't expect her to talk. She had that look on her face that I'm sure I had worn so long throughout my life. The stoic demeanor, as if she didn't feel anything, when in reality she was dying to let everything out.

But after a few minutes, she broke the silence.

"My mom kicked me out for good," she said. "I'm never allowed to live with her again. I flunked out of college because I suck at school, and my friends suck for letting me go home with that guy..."

I knew when her voice trailed off that last night was not supposed to happen, but I didn't know what to say. Her friends shouldn't have let her go, that was a given, but for all we knew Mariah could've insisted, her friends unaware that she was too drunk. I know I used to be a pro at hiding how drunk I really was. It was almost scary.

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