Season 3: Episode 9

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| August 17 | Friday Evening |

~ Sam's POV ~

The anticipation of having dinner tonight with Megan was becoming overwhelming as I tried my best not to get in my head too much. Blair had all but threatened to kill me if I didn't have a successful conversation with my fiancée about our wedding aspirations before she had boarded her plain early this morning.


I lugged Blair's suitcase out of my trunk and set it next to her, hating that I most likely wouldn't see her again until Shawn and Casey's wedding in November. This week had been much needed, but I hated to see it end. I attempted to hide the sting of pain from surfacing onto my face.

"So..." Blair started. "Dinner tonight. Remember what we talked about?"

I nodded. "Don't chicken out. Start the wedding conversation. Remind Megan that I'm still all in, despite my hesitation to talk about it."

Blair tilted her head. "You're ready for this, Sam. No matter what that stupid little, doubtful voice in your head tells you. It's just your anxiety."

"I hate how short this trip felt," I voiced.

"Me too."

I released a heavy sigh before pulling Blair's body into me. The embrace felt different. There was something about it that told both of us that this is where the distance got real. The reality of our situation was setting in now that she was leaving to go back to Missouri, and I wasn't sure if I was ready to deal with it.

She pulled back, attempting to hide the tears on her water line. A quick swipe of the hand wiped them away.

"I'll text you when I land, but you better call me with good news tonight," she ordered. "Or I will kill you when I see you again in November."

I couldn't help but laugh at her threat. "I will."

"I love you."

"Love you more."

Then she turned and disappeared into the airport, leaving me to sort out my life alone once again.

*end flashback*

Megan had let me know via text that she was on her way to the restaurant, which meant I had about fifteen minutes of alone time. I leaned back into my seat and sipped the glass of wine I had ordered, hoping for it to suppress some of my nerves.

It felt stupid, really. The nerves and all. It didn't make sense. Blair was right, Megan loved me. She loved me a lot more than anyone in my life has ever loved me. She was tolerant, understanding, empathetic... She's everything I've ever wanted in someone. My anxiety was never going to go away unless I worked on it myself, which seemed to be a step I needed to take on my own. Megan nor Blair could help me with that.

Fifteen minutes passed quickly while I was in my head, and soon Megan was joining me at our table. I stood from my seat to greet her.

"Hey babe," I said as I kissed her hello. "How was school?"

"It was fine," she answered. "My kids are great. The school is great. I had a good Friday."

I smiled. "That's good."

"I'm surprised Chris let you have a Friday night off." She leaned into her seat. "Isn't Crossroads usually busy?"

I shrugged. "He probably just figured he owed me one since I haven't had one off since I started."

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