(Edited) Chapter 3

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Chapter Three


"Today, I'll be assigning you all partners and you will be doing the semester projects with them. I want you to submit these projects by the end of the month. So you better get to work. They constitute twenty percent of this semester's grade so take it seriously." Mrs. Summers, our homeroom teacher instructs. A ripple of whispers travels through the classroom. She turns around and starts writing on the board; 'Semester Project' is written in bold letters at the very top and everyone is apparently wondering what this project is about. Is it something absolutely boring? Will we spend hours locked up in the library and on the internet, researching?

We wait curiously, trying to see what she is writing. A couple of minutes later she finally stops and steps aside so we can get a good look at the board. There are about ten things written there. "I'll be assigning you what you have to do, and I want a big report on it of about twenty to thirty pages." The whole class groans at the same time. A few kids smile though, their eyes shine with eagerness—the hopeless nerds. Now I don't have a thing against them. A couple of people even think am a nerd (which I'm not, trust me) I think these kids are really smart! But at the same time, I think they're really boring as well. I mean, who likes to stay at home on a Friday evening studying their butt off for a math test which isn't due till next week? The nerds do.

"I wish we get the fourth one" Sharon whispers to me. She's referring to project number four. My eyes flutter towards the board. I haven't even bothered looking at the different projects written there. 'Grow different vegetables in your garden. Take care of them and write about your experience' I read the first topic. I silently pray I don't get this. I'm not really a fan of the outdoors. As I read through the different project options written on the board, I realize most of them aren't really the kind where you need to study and research a lot. In fact, it could even be fun. Well only if you're partnered with someone cool.

"Sharon Hawthorn." Mrs. Summers call out suddenly and signals for her to come over to her table. Sharon gets up, wondering why on earth the teacher is calling her. Everyone stares at Sharon, as if she has two heads. A minute later, Sharon is walking back, a frown on her face and a paper in her hand.

"What is it?" I ask.

She looks up at me, annoyance clear on her face. "The project guidelines for the semester project and oh, I'm stuck with Dean." She makes a face as she says his name.

My mouth drops open in shock. Well, this is called bad luck. "Sucks to be you. But at least you will get an 'A'." Dean is one of the most nerdy people in our class. Being partnered with him guarantees an A, but it also guarantees hours and hours of utter boredom. "What is your project?" I ask.

She frowns even more deeply. "We have to go around the neighborhood, instructing people about energy conservation and then we have to write a report about it." She sounds really annoyed. Damn, she really got one of the boring projects.

One by one everyone walks up to the table as their name is called and return with a paper in their hand. My name hasn't been called yet so I silently sit at my table. All of my friends go off to their partners to discuss their project and I just sit there all by myself feeling like a loner.

Suddenly, I see a hand on my table, tapping it. I look up, only to see its Aiden.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Don't you want to discuss the project?" he replies, staring at me curiously.

"I don't know what my project is yet and who I'm partnered with," I say with a shrug.

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