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Hiya, friends! Like I promised, I'm going to answer a few questions.

Hiya, friends! Like I promised, I'm going to answer a few questions

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1 - How can I read the full story?

You can grab a copy of this book from Amazon for just $5.22, giving you FULL access to the story. (The ending is epic; trust me, it's worth it.)

Here's the links: 

Paperback: http://bit.ly/AFlirtationshipPaperack

Ebook: http://bit.ly/AFlirtationshipEbook

2 - In what formats is the book available?

Both eBook and Paperback versions are available! While the eBook is available worldwide, the paperback is not available in every country :( This is because my publishers use Amazon's printing service, which is not available everywhere. Good news is that there's no such restriction for the eBook version. 

And in case you don't want to spend all your money on just one book, opt for an Amazon's Unlimited subscription. It'll allow you to read an unlimited number of books (including mine) for a long as you've subscribed!

3 - When will you put back the last few chapters on Wattpad?

Unfortunately, never. I know, I know. I'm pretty sad about this too. I loved going through your comments (you guys have absolutely no chill, your comments were hilarious xD I'd read them whenever I was feeling low. They always made me laugh lol) But that's how copyright works. There can't be an exact copy of the same thing elsewhere. I tried to keep as much of the book on Wattpad as I could, but I simply had to remove the rest :(

4 - Do Aiden & Scarlett end up together? 

I know many of you just really, really want to know if this happens. Since I've had to remove the story, you guys haven't been able to figure that out. And I know not everyone can afford this book, so I'll reveal this little bit. 

I'd still request you guys to try to buy the book, but if you really are unable to but desperately want to know what happens, please scroll down -








Yep, Scarlett and Aiden end up together! However, it doesn't happen as simply as Aiden expressing his feelings for her (although, that's definitely a game-changer.) Scarlett freaks out a little after listening to his confession, but they do end up together by the time the book ends.

There's a teensy weensy bit of drama in the middle, where all the loose ends slowly get tied. The ending is super, super cute and it'll make you go all awww. But yes, Aiden & Scarlett get together. I really don't want to reveal the more intrinsic details because trust me, you'd want to read it instead of me simply summarizing it in a line or two.

 I really don't want to reveal the more intrinsic details because trust me, you'd want to read it instead of me simply summarizing it in a line or two

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Thank you so, so much for reading this far. It'd be great if you could buy the book; but if you feel you can't, that's also okay. 

Could you also do me a favour? Help this budding writer out? It's not a lot, I promise. My book is listed on Goodreads and Amazon. It'd be so, so great if you could leave a review/rating! Just go to the website and type the book's name. It's not hard to find. Your ratings will help me SO MUCH as a writer. And also like, recommend this book to at least one person? Just tell them to check it out. It'll be so, so helpful!

You can now write a review, rate this book, add it to your bookshelves, and recommend it.  Spread it around like a terrible rash! Tell your friends. Tell your mom and dad! Tell your brothers and sisters. Tell your pet rock. Tell that dude in your school that you keep drooling after! Just let everyone know what a cool taste in books you have and how because of you, yes you, this particular book got published! 

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