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Hi loves!

This chapter fought me every step of the way.

I'm still not 100% pleased with it, but I hope you enjoy it!

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The room is empty when she wakes.

The sheets are rumpled, the beds unmade.

The space beside her still warm.

She sits up, her fingers subconsciously lifting to fiddle nervously with her necklace.

Her breath catches as she feels the bare skin there.


It is a chilling reminder.

Glancing around the room, she searches for signs of life.

The old television screen is filled with static, the buzzing noise filling the room.

She lays there for a moment.


Staring, unseeing, at the stucco ceiling above her.

The world seems to fade around her, the hum of the static enveloping her.

She floats, weightless.

Numb for the first time in weeks.

A man's voice sounds from outside.

Enid sits up in alarm, her heartrate picking up.

Fear sprouting like vines, crawling up her spine and clutching at her throat.

Was it them?

She is both terrified and hopeful that it is.

A shadow passes by the window and she reaches for something to use as a weapon.

All she can find is the ancient copy of the bible resting on the bedside table.

The voice grows louder, anger sharpening the inflictions.

Slipping out of bed, she slides over to the window.

Holding her breath as she peeks through the curtains.

A sigh of relief leaves her as she recognizes Jake's messy hair and lanky build.

Dropping the religious text on the bed, she pulls open the motel door.

The movement causing a blast of air that swirls through her curls.

She is suddenly reminded of her newly shortened hair.

Jake's back is to her, his phone pressed to his ear.

The sun is bright on the parking lot below.

The smell of hot tarmac and something artificially sweet thick in the air.

Christmas in Georgia was a strange thing.

"No, please-" His voice is low, frantic.

Whoever is on the other end seems to cut him off, his shoulders sinking in defeat.

"Yeah, yeah. Fine. Tomorrow. Just don't..." Jake trails off, turning slightly.

His eyes widen as he notices her standing in the doorway.

Confusion swells inside her.

Ending the call, he pulls on a smile.

"Hey, Enid. Sleep okay?" His voice is back to normal, any signs of distress gone.

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