Cold Men

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Sorry for the late night post!

It's been a very busy day, but I wanted to make sure you all got your Monday update.

I hope you enjoy!

☽     ☽     ☽

Upstairs in one of the many guestrooms, the small girl slept peacefully curled in an expensive duvet.

Dante had wanted to put her in her room, but Theodore and Alexander had disagreed.

They wanted Enid to be completely awake when she first saw it.

Hours of designing and planning had gone into the room that would soon hold their little darling.

Dante smiled as he thought back to their discussion at dinner.

He had nearly choked on his dinner when she had asked about "daddy."

Theodore had recovered the quickest out of the three of them and had smoothly explained that "daddy" was a title often given to the dominant party in BDSM relationships.

When she asked if that applied to them, even Theodore had struggled to respond.

"We'll discuss that when we go over the rules and such later, principessa." He had managed to say.

The girl's innocence was going to be the death of him.

After she had asked her list of less surprising questions, Theodore had asked her one in return.

"Do you want to see what your punishments will sometimes be like, little one?"

She nodded, ever eager to learn.

Right there in the kitchen, Theodore had pulled her over his knee.

She had gasped at the sudden movement, her eyes widening to the size of saucers.

It was such a vulnerable position, her stomach pressed against his strong thighs.

Her bottom in the air, swaying slightly from side to side.

They talked her through their actions, keeping her calm and aware of what was going on.

"Is it alright if I slip down your jeans, little bird?" Dante asked, his eyes searching hers for a response.

Enid had flushed a delicious dark red and she shakily nodded.

He smoothly unzipped them and pulled the denim down to where her knees rested on the tile floor.

"Were you ever spanked as a child, angel?" Alexander asked, tucking one of her wayward curls behind her ear.

She nodded quickly in denial.

Her father and Fiona had never been fans of punishments.

She liked to think she had been a pretty well-behaved child, too.

Still, this situation felt nothing like being a reprimanded toddler.

There was nothing paternal in the way that Theodore's fingers trailed the edge of her panties before his hand drew back and came down upon her bottom with a firm slap.

Enid lurched forward, a gasp leaving her parted lips in surprise.

Dante dipped down and pressed a cheek to the reddening skin before he, too, sent his hand flying against her rear.

Alexander had rubbed softly at the skin, his touch affectionate.

She was surprised to find his palm the harshest.

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