Break, Repair

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Back to a heart broken Enid we go!  Things will be picking up soon, promise!  If you are enjoying it, please leave a like and some comments!  I'd love to know your thoughts! <3


The glaring light of her laptop was the only thing illuminating the dark room.

Enid sat wrapped in a blanket burrito, only her face and arms poking out so she could continue shoving heaping spoonfuls of cookie dough ice cream into her mouth.

Before reaching her dorm, she had stopped at the small campus grocer and bought nearly their entire supply of junk food.

She must've been a fright, barging in there crying and hauling her cello behind her.

The kind man at the cash register had simply offered her a concerned smile and had given her an employee discount.

That had made her cry even harder.

Her tears had long since dried, but her red nose was a reminder of the hours she had spent crying earlier that night.

She had nearly called Fiona to ask that she book a flight for her to return home.

She could imagine what her father would have said to that, though.

As her tears had faded to hiccups, she imagined him leaning against her doorway like he used to.

"Sunshine, don't be so down. There's so much to smile about. Alright, have your little pity party and get it out of your system, but tomorrow I want you to get up with a fresh heart and mind. Everything is going to be just fine." He'd say before tucking her in and kissing her forehead goodnight.

Her chest ached as she missed him.

She would do anything for one of his tight hugs right now.

Sighing, she clutched her stuffed panda to her instead.

Something in her felt decidedly broken.

The fragments of her little self-pride scattered around her.

She fell asleep that night to the old Looney Toons reruns playing on her laptop.

When she woke in the morning, she took some time to stretch and clear her thoughts.

Fresh heart. Fresh mind.

She picked up the cello case from where she had thrown it last night and sat it gently back in the corner where she kept it.

She took a long shower, letting the hot water ease the knots in her shoulders.

She put on her favorite yellow sweater and tied her rosy hair back in a bow.

When she left her dorm later that morning, she felt like a new girl.

She had a plan.

She reasoned that she must not be an absolutely terrible cellist since the school had given her a full scholarship due to her audition.

Dr. Drewitt was just in a league above any others, so of course he would find her playing subpar.

Enid decided she would go to the advisement center after her classes today to request a change in music instructors.

Someone less distinguished.

That way Dr. Drewitt's genius wouldn't be wasted on someone like her.

Something in her heart ached at the thought of not seeing him again, but she brushed it off as the idolizing she had done over him for years.

It's one thing to be told you're bad at your number one passion.

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