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At last we meet the final member of the immortal trio!

I'm not a musician myself, so I'd love some feedback on the section of this chapter when Enid is playing her cello!

It's been really fun writing something that's quite a bit out of my comfort zone.

♫ ♫ ♫



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Enid ran a hand down her rosy golden curls as she exited the history building.

The cold air whipping it across her face and staining her cheeks red.

Her winter coat pulled tightly around her as she made her way back to her dorm building.

The morning had been long, with a math class at eight followed directly by American History.

She was exhausted, her mind filled with equations and constitutional amendments.

Her bag was thrown to the floor as soon as she entered her warm dorm room.

She slipped out of her shoes and coat and padded over to her bed.

Slipping under the covers, she promised herself she would only nap for a few minutes.

Then she would get up and practice for her first meeting with her music advisor.

Enid awoke two hours later to the loud laughter of a raucous group outside.

She grumbled as she turned over, trying to hold onto the last tendrils of sleep.

Her eyes flew open.

A glance at the clock sent her heart rate into overdrive as she jumped out of bed.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." She yanked on her boots and grabbed her cello as she rushed out the door.

She was already five minutes late.

The usual twenty minute walk to the music hall took her ten as she sprinted across campus.

Her run garnered quite some attention as she swung her cello case along with her, accidentally hitting a few students along the way.

Hurried apologizes were called out as she rushed by, not having the time to stop and make sure her victims were okay.

She didn't feel the cold until she was climbing the steps to the hall, only now realizing she had left her coat behind.

Stepping inside the hall, she looked down at her rumpled leggings and sweater falling off one shoulder.

So much for a good first impression.

Straightening herself out, she walked into one of the most beautiful auditoriums she had ever seen.

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