Off the Beaten Path

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I think this might be the longest chapter I've written so far!

I hope you enjoy!

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The coffee shop they usually meet at is closed for renovations, so they agree to meet at a little café just outside of campus.

It's on the edge of the downtown district, cobble roads and decorated storefronts giving the area a storybook feel.

Enid sighs in relief as she enters the warmth of the building.

The décor was cozy with an Arabian touch. Thick carpets and embroidered pillows placed haphazardly.

Peeling her gloves off, she sweeps her eyes around the room to find Emilia.

It seems she's the first one there, so she steps up to the counter to order a drink and a pastry.

Enid flicks through one of the newspapers on the counter as she waits.

The weather section repots the first snow is forecasted to come next month.

Finally, her name is called, and she retrieves her drink and dessert from the kind barista.

Turning to find a table, she crashes into something tall and solid.

A gasp flies from her lips as an arm steadies her, drops of her scalding hot chocolate barely missing her as they fall to the ground.

"My apologies. I was not paying close enough attention to my surroundings." Enid glances up at the man, still slightly in shock.

He was startlingly pale with hair so fair it nearly matched his skin.

Nearly as tall as her men and skinnier than she was.

Looking at him was rather disconcerting, though she felt guilty admitting it.

His light blue eyes stared down at her intently and a feeling of unease began to grow in her stomach.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm so clumsy. I should've watched where I was going." Enid musters up a small, apologetic smile.

"Let me buy you another drink since I caused you to spill yours." He pulls a leather wallet from his suit pocket.

She begins to protest, but he cuts her off.

"What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't replenish your fuel." His lips part to reveal a razor-sharp smile.

A shiver runs down her spine.

"Okay, thank you." She says as she gets in line beside him, throwing her half-empty cup into the trash.

They stand in an awkward silence for a few minutes before he turns to stare at her again.

Enid keeps her eyes on the floor, tracing over the blue designs on the white ceramic tiles.

"What is your name?" He drags her attention back to him.

Worry twists around her ribs.

Something felt off about this man.

"Eleanor." She lies, slipping a convincing smile onto her face.

It seems Theodore's training was coming in handy already.

His too-pale eyes flicker eerily and she can't help but take a small step back.

They looked hollow, diaphanous.

"Enchanted." He says with a strained smile.

"Where are you from? Your accent is so charming." He probes further and her eyes drift nervously to the couple in line ahead of them.

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