Chapter 12

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Y/n's P.O.V.

There were several yells as we were left in the darkness, but then a door opened behind us.
I looked around at the tired group. Everybody was breathing heavily. Some looked sad and others looked victorious, but everybody looked scared for what would happen next.

We walked through the door and saw a hallway. 

We stepped into the hallway and watched as the lights flickered on one at a time, all the way down the hallway. We all looked to Thomas, who began walking down the hallway.

I walked up to Newt and noticed the several cuts and bruises all of his face, his arms, and his neck.

"You okay?" I whispered. He looked down at me and nodded a little with a sigh. 

"Yeah, are you?" I nodded. 

"I wasn't the one having to fight off those horrible beasts."

We continued walking for several minutes. Eventually, we came to a door with two green lights next to it. I had some red words on the door and a sign above that glowed green and said "exit." 

I heard Frypan scoff. 

"Seriously?" He said to nobody in particular. 

I couldn't help but smile just a tiny bit. It was pretty ironic. 

"How ironic," I said to Teresa in our minds. 

"Yeah," she replied back.

Thomas cautiously reached out and turned the doorknob. What we saw, made my blood run cold. Dead bodies on the floor, flashing yellow lights, and a weird fog filling the room. I grabbed onto Newt's arm out of fear. 

I realized what I had done and quickly let go, mumbled a fast little "sorry." He looked down at me and smiled a little, letting me know he didn't mind. Thomas then led us into the room. We spread out a little and discovered even more bodies. What had happened here?

The lights flickered and a quiet alarm was ringing. We walked past a window which had two bodies on operating tables. They each had a few sheets over them, which had a few pools of blood on them.

"What happened here?" Someone whispered.

We walked over several areas covered in shattered glass and came to another room. This one was full of advanced technology and even more bodies. The glass windows the the other rooms and hallways had bullet holes in them.

There were computers everywhere. Upon close examination, we realized that they were monitors. 

"They've really been watching us this whole time..." Newt said softly.

I looked at one of the computers and saw a picture of Minho. It had a picture of his face, his body from the front, the back, and one from each side. 

"Minho," I whispered. He came over and saw what I was looking at.

"What the hell?" He said as he observed the screen. He then looked to the next one. It was just like the other one, except it had pictures of Newt instead of him. 

"Hey Newt," Minho called. Newt came walking over and looked at the screen. I looked at another computer screen and saw Alby's pictures. 

"Alby..." I whispered to myself. 

We observed many more computer monitors and screens. We found the stats of almost every person in the Glade. I then found a monitor that was playing something from the Glade. I looked at the time stamp and it said today

"Newt? What time is it?" I asked. He came walking  up to me and showed me his watch. I looked at his watch and to the computer screen. 

"This footage was from thirty minutes ago, see?" I said, pointing to the time stamp. It showed us running out of the Glade and into the maze. We watched for a minute and Minho came over.

"What is that?" He asked.

"It's footage from today. A few minutes ago it showed us running out of the Glade," I explained as I turned to him. He nodded in understanding.

"Wait what's that?" Newt asked, pointing to the screen. I turned to see what he was looking at. It was Gally.

 It showed Gally running into the maze. What the hell was he doing?

"It's Gally . . . Why is he running into the maze?" I asked into nobody in particular. Thomas then came running up, Chuck and Teresa behind him. I explained what we saw. 

"This right here? It's footage from today." 

"A few minutes ago it showed our amazing escape into the maze," Minho said cockily. I smiled a little.

"But," Newt chimed in, "it showed Gally running into the maze just a minute ago." 

Thomas looked at the screen.

"You sure it was him?" He questioned. 

"Positive," I said back. 

"He's gonna get himself killed," Minho said.

I looked up at Thomas. 

"He's right. We showed up with about 15 people and lost how many? 5 or so? We walked out with 5 people less and, even then, we barely made it through. Gally is all alone, he's going to get killed."

"Should we help him?" Newt asked Thomas. Thomas just shook his head. 

"How would we be able to get the door open again? Besides, he doesn't have a key. There's no way he can get through the door or the grievers. We just have to hope that he is smart enough to realize that before he gets lost in the maze."

We all nodded in agreement and continued wandering around the facility. There was shattered glass, blood, guns, and bodies everywhere. 

What had happened here?

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