Chapter 9

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Y/n's P.O.V.

I ran to Thomas, but he had already stabbed himself with the stinger. I got to him just as he fell to the ground. 

"Chuck, go get the other syringe," I ordered. 

"It's okay, Thomas," Teresa said comfortingly

Gally then declared himself "leader" and sent a few guys to take Thomas to the pit. It didn't make much sense to me considering the fact that Newt had long-since been labelled Second-In-Command and, therefore, the leader if something were to happen to Alby. Gally then came up to where Teresa, Newt, Chuck, Minho, and I were standing.

"Listen guys, I like you two, I really do, but I feel like you also might have something to do with it. Don't take it personally, I really wish you guys weren't involved," he said guiltily. He then had a few boys escort us to the pit as well. We didn't feel like fighting so Teresa and I jumped in and the boys locked it and walked away. 

Teresa walked to Thomas and put his head in her lap. They were really cute, even in a situation like this. 

"Hello, your highness," Minho said, coming up to the pit.

Over the short time I had been here, he had become a really good friend of mine. I smiled a little.  Newt and chuck showed up a few minutes later to talk for a while. 

Soon after, Minho and Chuck said goodnight and left to go sleep. I looked over at Thomas and Teresa, who were both sleeping in the corner. Thomas' head was still in Teresa'a lap. I smiled a little.

"It'll be alright, Y/n," Newt said above me. I looked up at him and nodded a little. 

"You say that, but... we're being banished tomorrow morning. What am I gonna do, Newt?" I asked, tears forming in my eyes.

"Don't worry, Greenie," he said with a soft smile. "We're gonna figure something out. Besides, you'll have me. And you'll have Minho... and Chuck," he whispered with a small laugh. 

I smiled a little at the thought of the people on my side.

He just smiled and got comfortable on the ground next to the pit. He stayed with me for a while, talking to me about random things. I thought about asking about his limp, but I figured it probably wouldn't be something he'd want to talk about. Especially with someone he just met like two days ago. 

After a while, I started yawning. 

Newt noticed and said, "I'll let you sleep now, Greenie." 

I just smiled a little as he stood up. I then got situated on the ground to go to sleep. 

"Goodnight, Newt." 

"Goodnight, Green Bean," Newt said with a small smile. He then turned and walked off.
I sighed and sat there in the darkness for a while. Amazingly, I eventually fell asleep.


I woke up sore. The pit was not a comfortable place to sleep. I looked to Thomas and Teresa, who were awake. 

"Hey," I said quietly.

They just looked at me angrily. 

"What's going on? What's wrong guys?" I asked, but they didn't say anything. Thomas wouldn't even tell me what he remembered. We sat in silence all day.

At sundown, a few boys came to grab us and take us to our banishing. I didn't even try to resist.
They had us all tied up and we're about to shove us into the maze, when Thomas spoke up.

"Gally, listen to me. I'm innocent. So is Teresa. It was Y/n who did this to you guys." 

I felt all eyes move to me. 

It wasn't possible . . . was it?

Gally gave me a pitiful look, Chuck looked scared, and Minho looked betrayed, as did Newt and Fry. Teresa and Thomas looked angry.

"That's... that's not true! It can't be!" I said, but nobody was listening to me anymore.

"I saw it! She was in charge of the whole thing! She deliberately planned everything!" He yelled.

"Did I really do this to them?" I called out to Thomas in my head. He just looked at me with anger, and nodded his head. 

"Teresa..." I called out to her mind. Would she really let them do this to me?

"Stay out of my head Y/n! I can't believe you did this to us! To Thomas. To Newt! To me..." I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"That can't be!" I said.

"Fine," Gally said before motioning to the doors. The guy holding me threw me into the maze entrance. 

"Gally!" I yelled out. He looked away. I looked to Teresa. 

"You're really going to let them do this to me? To your own sister?!" She didn't move or speak a word. My eyes then found Newt, who was slowly walking away. 

"Newt! You said you would stick with me!" I noticed as he stopped walking and stood still. "You said I would always have you! And Minho!" 

My eyes went to Minho, who was looking at the ground.

"And Chuck," I said softly. Chuck had walked off a long time ago. They all stood at the doors, blocking me from walking back in. I looked at each persons face. Winston, Thomas, Teresa, Clint, Jeff, Gally, Frypan... It was too much.

So I accepted defeat. 

I decided in that moment, looking into the eyes of my friends, my sister, and the the back of the boy who said he would stick with me, that I didn't need them. If I really did this to them, then I could get out without them. It should just naturally come to me, right?

I sighed and gave them one last glance. 

"Newt could you at least look in my direction? You probably don't want to but I'm asking nicely. It's the last thing I'll ever ask from you. Is for all of you to at least look at me," I said, now turning my words to everyone. Nobody would meet my eyes except for Thomas and Teresa who were glaring at me with fiery hatred. "The least you all could do is look at me. Look at what you're doing. Look at me before you send me to escape without you guys."

"Good luck, Y/n," Newt said softly. He then walked to the homestead. I couldn't believe it. I looked at Thomas and Teresa one last time before turning and walking into the maze. 

Off to escape without my friends or my sister.

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