Chapter 4

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There was nobody in the room to answer me.

Newt finally reached the hut.

"What the bloody hell is going on, greenie? You said you weren't gonna run!" I turned to him quickly.

"Where is she? Where's my sister?"

I started running to the door, but he grabbed me and held me in place. I struggled against his grip.

"Hey, green bean! Calm down! We'll find your buggin sister, stop freaking out, alright? We will find he-"

I had stopped struggling, but he was cut off by shouting. We both ran out of the hut in the direction of the shouts. We saw the boys gathered around a watch tower, holding things above their heads, shielding themselves.

Newt ran to a younger boy and I followed.

"Chuck, what's going on?" He asked.

"Girls are awesome!" Was all the boy, Chuck, replied with. He laughed a little as a rock came hurling down from the watch tower.

Newt quickly grabbed a metal... trash can lid? It had been on the ground. He picked it up and held it over our heads.

"Take cover y'all, take cover!" I heard someone yell.

"We come in peace!" Someone else yelled. They didn't sound as serious as you would think.

"I don't think she likes us very much," Newt said jokingly.

Another rock came hurling down. Newt held the lid above our heads, blocking the rock from hitting us.

I grabbed Chuck and pulled him next to me.

"We don't want you getting hit, alright?" I said gently.

We heard Teresa shout "Go away!" as she sent another rock down.

Chuck nodded and stood next to me with a smile.

Just then, Thomas and Minho arrived.

"Chuck, what's going on?" Thomas asked him.

Chuck just laughed and said, "Girls are awesome!" As if on cue, Teresa threw another rock.

I looked up at Newt beside me. Even he was laughing a little. Most of the guys were laughing and smiling about the situation.

I watched as an angry looking guy walked forward and started yelling.

"Throw one more of those things and I'll-"

He was cut off with a rock.

Straight in his face.

Along with another "Go away!"

Several people laughed a little, including me. My sister seemed pretty cool, so far.

Thomas started going forward with his hands above his face, shielding it from the rocks flying from the tower.

"Hey! It's-its Thomas! It's Thomas!" He said. The rocks abruptly stopped and I saw Teresa poke her head over the side of the tower.

"I'm coming up okay?" He said as he approached the ladder. A few boys tried to follow, but Thomas turned around and said, "Just me."

We watched as Thomas climbed the ladder. Newt threw the trash can lid back down to the ground. The other boys did the same with their makeshift shields.

After being up there a minute or two, Thomas leaned over the side and told us it would be a few minutes.

At that, the boys started to disperse. Chuck smiled and waved as he walked away. I waved back. I felt very... protective of him. In a sibling-like way.

Newt looked down at me and motioned to a log nearby with his head.

"Let's go, greenie." I followed as he led me to the log. We sat down in front of it, leaning our backs against it.

"Teresa, you said? That's her name?" I nodded. "And she's your sister?"

I nodded again.

"How do you know?" I just shrugged.

"We were sitting on the bench and it just . . . popped into my head . . ? I don't know how to explain it," I said quietly. Newt nodded, taking in the information.

"Was there anything else?" He asked.
Should I tell him about how we can communicate? Telepathically?

"I can talk to her... in my head," I whispered.

"What?" He uttered in disbelief. He must've thought I was pulling his leg or something.

"You probably think I'm crazy... but it was her voice! I don't know how to explain it!"
"Alright, alright. Calm down greenie," he said. "Telepathy . . . We'll figure this out."

"Teresa? Are you okay?" I called out in my mind.

"Yes, I'm coming to you," she replied.


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