Healing Two Broken Hearts (Lloyd x Reader)

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This story was inspired by @Golden_Infinity_luv so kudos to her for giving me this prompt! Hope you like it! Love you girl! This is all for you!<3

(Sorry this isn't edited but I hope there isn't too many grammar mistakes)

Word Count: 4322

Posted 3/30/20

"...I'll never be enough for her!"

It's a cold, clear night in Ninjago city. Kids are running outside their house in their warm pajamas and blankets to look for the Big Dipper among the stars that sit in the dark sky. Students from schools all over Ninjago are relaxing on their bed, smiling at their phone while they procrastinate on whatever homework their teachers had assigned them to finish during the weekend.

In an apartment in the midst of this beautiful city lied a girl who was tossing and turning in her bed. The girl hid underneath a fluffy blanket though she occasionally poked her head out to throw a tissue onto the floor so it can make friends with the twenty others already scattered around the room.

She retreated her head back underneath her blanket so that she could continue to watch The Princess Bride on her phone.

"W-why can't all relationships e-end like this!" She waled, wiping tears from her red eyes.

A knock on her bedroom door made her jump and fall back onto her bed as if she was sleeping.

"Oh come on Y/N, I know your awake," Her best friend B/F/N called out to her, letting the light from their apartment flood into the pitch black room.

"No I'm not! Leave me alone B/F/N!" Y/N whined from underneath her covers.

"Oh good grief, your hopeless!" B/F/N mumbled to herself, slowly walking towards the girl.

"Y/N, you have been camping out at my place for a whole week now. I don't think I've seen you leave this place throughout the entire span of the week," B/F/N stated.

Y/N peeked out from her blanket, showing her best friend her puffy eyes, "That's not true, I went on the balcony two days ago," Y/N argued through her sniffles.

"That was so you could take the dirt out of my flower pots and throw them at the strangers down on the street so that you could, in your words, make them feel the same pain that your going through," B/F/N deadpanned, rolling her eyes at the girl.

"That's still going outside though!" Y/N huffed, emerging from her blanket cocoon, "Besides, I wanted them to feel the same pain of a broken heart that I felt and dirt was the best thing I could find!"

B/F/N got off the bed and put her hands on her hips, "I am locking you out of the house tomorrow!" she stated, "Go find another guy to date so that you can forget about Lloyd! I'm tired of this behavior Y/N! It's not good for you! Your eating all my icecream and sweets and every time you do so you start crying because it was 'Lloyd's favorite icecream' or 'Lloyd's favorite candy' or 'Lloyd's favorite whatever!' You need to get a life back girl!"

"But I love Lloyd!" Y/N defended, tears falling from her eyes.

B/F/N eye's softened, "I know you do but you need to find the person who loves you more than anything in the world and if Lloyd's not that person than you can't mope around all day sulking about him."

Y/N looked down to her phone which was still running The Princess Bride, "Ok..."

"Thata girl!" B/F/N smiled, "Sweet dreams, I'll be back tomorrow morning to kick you out for the day!"

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