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This was an old story idea I did a few months. I thought this could be a good one shot to start this book with because I am too lazy right now to write. I literally copied and pasted the whole thing into this book.

This is not a ninja x reader... at least I don't think. It's more like a reader insert. Anyways, enjoy!

Y/N's Pov:

I was walking around Sensei Yang's temple when all of a sudden the possessed students that I was trying to avoid were crowding around something, or should I say someone. I hid behind a wall to see if I could get a better look. I heard the victim try to talk to them, I knew the student's decision wouldn't change at all, Yang had everyone under his control. All except one student. Me.

"So, guys! Let's say you help me out! Ya know, student to ninja!" the guy said. Ninja? He's a ninja! That's awesome! "Hello?" He tried again, "Look, I know Yang's your master but how can you be on his side!"

Yang walked into my line of site so I hid behind one of the walls to try and not be noticed by him. I didn't want him to realize I wasn't under his control. "Your pleas are useless," Yang said, "My students, well, they are loyal to no one but me."

Not every student...

"Come on guys! Yang is like the definition of evil!" The ninja yelled at them.

"Actually Yang means good," Yang said smartly, "but I always did aspire for great! I dedicated my life to the study of martial arts. I mastered them all and even created one of my own, airjitzu! It was my first achievement!"

To bad I did not start learning under Yang early enough to learn airjitzu before Yang decided to make himself immortal... I looked down at my small, see-through hands. Why did this have to happen to me?

 Yang continued his monologue, "But, it was nothing compared to what I would discover next. My research revealed the location of the Yin blade, a weapon whose magic was so powerful, it was to hold the key to eternal life. Control that magic and I will be forever remembered as Ninjago's greatest master! Immortality was so near! It was time for the ultimate test... Myself! But something went wrong..."

Yeah! Something did go wrong! You turned me into a GHOST!!! My fingernails dug into my skin as a scowl formed across my face.

"All my students along with a quiet girl, Y/N, who was supposed to start training that fateful day turned into ghosts. My students stay loyal to me while that 14-year-old girl... I don't know where she went, my students have rumored that she stays in the shadows avoiding huma-ghost contact..." Sensei Yang began to get lost in thought but shook his head back to his original conversation. "So while I live forever, I am cursed to haunt this once proud temple as master of the house never able to return until tonight, thanks to you!" Sensei Yang points at the ninja.

"Thanks to me?" The ninja questioned. "How?"

"You said it yourself! There's magic in the air! On the Day of the Departed when there is a Yin-Yang lunar eclipse the Yin blade can cut the rift of return, so... thank you for this!"

"Your not welcome, and you won't get away with this!" The ninja argues, "I'm supposed to meet my friends soon, and when they see I am missing they'll come for me!"

"See your missing!?" Yang chuckles, "Look at you! You can barely see yourself!" I felt a pang in my chest. That's exactly how I felt when I turned into a ghost. I decided that I am going to do everything I can to help this ninja get home, and maybe I can come too, but that's just an after thought, but maybe... Yes! I will go with him too!

The ninja sighs. "Besides," Yang says, "You've caused quite a few problems for your friends."

"My friends!" The ninja yells. "What have you done!"

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