$ F O R T Y • T H R E E $

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When You Try Your Best, But You Don't Succeed
June 12th, 2019
Massachusetts, New York
Ezio's Penthouse

Ezio's P.O.V.

9:23 pm.

       "What the hell, Eva. I don't even know how to change a diaper!" I exclaimed, rubbing my temples rather aggressively.

Evalena scoffed and rolled her eyes as she handed the diaper bag to me. "You'll be fine. Search online on how to do it if you and Cambria don't come around tonight. Plus, I don't have a last-minute sitter tonight, so please?" She clasped her hands, giving her familiar puppy-dog eyes I've gotten used to, yet to resist.

"Why not mom and dad?" I asked, crossing my arms. "They already dealt with us enough. Let them enjoy retirement together." She scoffs.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, a groan following. "You're lucky I'm free tonight," I muttered distastefully. She grinned ear-to-ear before handing all the items she brought along with her.

I wanted to watch the sports channel tonight with a beer and peace of mind, but apparently, my sister had other plans. I needed to get my mind off of some things, especially the argument with Cambria.

Evalena handed me a black piece of item that looked like it could be strapped to a body. "This is a baby carrier, Ezio. She tends to fall asleep when she's laying on someone. Use this and you can multitask by doing whatever is you do and put her to bed at the same time." She explains. I grimace before letting go of the carrier onto the floor.

Finally, she gently pushed the bassinet stroller that held my niece who was peacefully sleeping.

"She's napping right now, so I'll text you the schedule what to do once she wakes up. Thank you so much, Ezio. I owe you." She says, leaning up to kiss my cheek. I shrugged. "It's not like I had a choice," I muttered.

She smirked before leaving a soft kiss on Ilyssa's round cheeks. After saying goodbye, Evalena disappeared behind the elevator doors. I glanced back down to all the bags that were overpacked to the brim. I left them there as I strolled Ilyssa through my penthouse. I left her stroller next to the couch where I was going to spend the next couple of hours watching my game.

Reheating my takeout, I heard the elevator ding. "Eva, if you're here to check on us, we're fine! We haven't died yet." I raised my voice enough for her to hear, but not to wake up Ilyssa. The thunder stroke loudly, but I didn't hear a cry from Ilyssa who was resting in the living room. The sound of the rain pelting against my windows unwinded my nerves.

I paused my actions when I didn't get a response. My eyes didn't leave the kitchen doorway that connected with my living room, where Ilyssa was. My hands slipped into the drawer next to me, grasping onto the deadly weapon. My eyes flickered between Ilyssa's bassinet and the direction of where the elevator was.

I unloaded the gun, checking to see the bullets were in the magazine. I felt my heart pound as I managed my breath, not admitting that I was scared of what I am about to approach with my niece nearby. My eyebrows furrowed, hearing faint sounds down the hallway.

My eyes followed the familiar figure that stood in my dim-lit hallway. I sighed, sliding my gun in my pants as I approached my brother who was found dripping wet.

"Aleksander? You scared me, man. What are you doing here?" My eyes flickered between his strange behavior and the towel I was grabbing out from the chest nearby.

His empty eyes barely met mine, and I felt chills down my spine. I held up the towel in his direction, and he grabbed it after a few eery seconds. "Alex?"

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