$ F O R T Y • F I V E $

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Overdose On Reality
June 4th, 2013
New York, New York
Unknown Location

Vera's P.O.V.

1:18 pm.

I groaned with a pounding headache. I look around, noticing I was in a hotel room. I didn't recognize the place, but I fell back onto the bed, used to waking up in unfamiliar places. I glanced aside; there was white dust on the bedside table. Someone must've been doing drugs before cleaning it up hastily.

Looking down at my body, my eyebrows furrowed at the dark bruises on my body. Matteo, my boyfriend, must've been rough with me in bed last night, but I can't seem to remember. My body was layered in sweat from the nightmare I had.

I rubbed my eye before getting out of bed, noticing I was alone. I groaned, my knees buckling of how weak I was. I fell back upon the bed.

I heard someone pounding on the suite door and I panicked. I cleared up the white powder off of the table before going to check who it was.

I opened the door and one of the hotel staff appeared, assuming because he was dressed a uniform a typical employee would wear. His eyes widened at my appearance for some reason that I was unaware of. He pushed the cart which consisted of breakfast meals.

He left after explaining what each was. I didn't have time to object before he left. I glanced into the mirror that was displayed in the small lounge. I gasped at my bruised lip. My tear-stained cheek was the next thing I noticed. My hand lightly brushed against my lip which caused me to wince.

I looked into my red eyes and I gasped. I grabbed all the things that left traces of me before dashing out of the room. I pulled a random sweatshirt I found in the room over my head, heading into the elevator. I hid my face with the hoodie as other people entered. I grabbed my phone, seeing that I had no SIM card anymore.

I threw my backpack over my shoulders and bolted out from the elevator as the doors opened.

I kept my eyes down, trying to escape the building with no repercussions. A groan escaped me as I accidentally rammed into a body. The male voice apologized, but I ignored, making my way out from the lobby.

I glanced above, seeing I was in Manhattan. I wasn't far from my parents' new hotel. I walked by a cafe, my eyes glued onto the folded map on the table. The woman had her eyes glued to the newspaper, paying no attention to her belongings in front of her. She was oblivious to her surroundings, seeming as if she was new to the city.

Walking past her, I hastily grabbed the few dollar bills that were enfolded with the map. Quickly leaving the scene, I stopped at a crosswalk, waiting for the orange hand sign to turn into the white-colored pedestrian symbol. I opened the map in a rush, looking between the road signs and the map I stole.

Wiping my tears, I winced as pain erupted from my arm. It became unbearable to the point where I pulled my sleeve up. Where my forearm met the rest of my arm was covered in bruises. My thumb hovered over my vein and I winced. I pulled my sleeve down immediately, noticing a curious eye my way.

Across the crosswalk, my eyes found a telephone booth. I needed to call my driver. Noticing the crowd around me starting to approach the road, I followed. Conveniently, I found a quarter in my jacket to which I hastily pushed into the phone booth.

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