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Going Backwards
January 16th, 2019
Los Angeles, California

Vera's P.O.V.

11:12 am.

Lilly groaned again as I pulled out my headphones out of annoyance for the third time. "I can't do this!"

I wipe off the sweat that built on my forehead as I slow down on the elliptical. I grab my water bottle and taking a small sip out of it, watching Lilly struggle on the bench press.

"Maybe take off a few pounds?" I suggest, clearly confused why she put on more pounds than she can usually work out with.

She grunts and doesn't reply.

As I was about to continue my workout, I get a call from work which causes me to come to a complete halt. I get off my machine and walk out onto the terrace before closing the sliding doors.

"Hello?" I answer after I catch my breath.

"Hey, Vera." My manager answers. "I heard about your resignation and I would like to meet with you tomorrow around—hold on."

I bite my lip as I look out into the city. I heard shuffling on the other line before she answered. "At two o'clock."

I clear my throat. "Yeah. Do we meet at your office or at a café-"

"Yes. See you then." She cuts me off. Before giving me the chance to answer, she hangs up.

I roll my eyes as I started walking back into the gym where Lilly was. She abandoned the weights and was now on the electrical bicycle. I go over to the elliptical I was on previously and grab my water bottle before taking another sip.

"Who was that?" I heard Lilly asked. I turn around as Lilly slowed down her pace a bit. "My manager." That caused Lilly to grimace. "What does she want?"

I set my water bottle down and began to get onto the elliptical. "She wants to meet and talk about my resignation." She nodded before continuing her workout.

For the rest of my workout, I worked on with weights after I finished my time on the elliptical. Unfortunately, I gain a lot of weight when I don't watch what I eat for a few days. Lilly doesn't have to go to the gym as much as I have to because of her great metabolism and me on the other hand, I don't.

Lilly left to go take a shower in the locker room as I decided to stay an hour more to work out harder. I don't mind working out much, but some days are definitely more difficult than others. Today was a bit challenging because I've been feeling strange lately. I haven't been sick, but I feel unpleasant in my own skin. I don't how else to explain how I feel.

Once I finished my workout, I glanced at Lilly who just came out with her hair slightly wet and a new outfit. "I'm going to the pier to take some photos. Do you want to come?" Lilly asks as she raises her camera.

I haven't been to the pier in a while. I nodded my head before saying. "Let me go home and change though." She smiles gleefully as she tries to contain her excitement. "Alright."

January 16th, 2019
Santa Monica, California
Santa Monica Pier

Vera's P.O.V.

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