$ F O R T Y • S E V E N $

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Mistakes Like This
August 20th, 2019
Southampton, New York
Thirty-fourth Week Pregnant

Third P.O.V.

11:01 pm.

Vera's eyes kept flickering to the papers Ezio's lawyers sent. She was attempting to organize her wardrobe in her walk-in closet at her parent's mansion. The papers lied on the island table in the room, trying to steal her attention, but she was determined to clean out and pack her closet that day.

She wanted to donate and sell some of her used outfits online that she doesn't wear often anymore. The rest is what she would take to her new apartment, but leaving her designer dresses at her parent's mansion; she wasn't sure if she would have enough space for all her dresses at the apartment.

Her fingers brushed against a familiar red fabric. Her eyes caught the long red gown she had wore to her parents' New Year's party. It seemed as if the party was thrown yesterday. She thought: Who would've expected that she would be standing here eight months later with a baby boy bounding to be delivered soon?

It was wild to think about what the future has planned for you. Vera certainly wasn't expecting to be pregnant the first few years of living in New York again. She was sure no one was.

As Vera turned to place the dress on the other side of the closet, her eyes were glued the papers once again. She was contemplating to sign them, knowing it was the better choice to do than force Ezio to stay. He didn't want to pay child support either, but that was one thing she wasn't willing to agree on.

It wasn't only her fault that he didn't use protection, and he wasn't about to come out of this situation all clean. She knew better.

She bit her lip, regretting what she was about to do. Dropping her chores, her hand brushed against her phone, checking what time it was. It wasn't too late: she thought.

She grasped the papers before making her way out of her closet, determined to set things straight.

August 20th, 2019
Manhattan, New York
Thirty-fourth Week Pregnant

Third P.O.V.

11:47 pm.

Ezio placed his scotch on top of his piano that sat near the entrance of his penthouse. His back was facing the elevator doors as his eyes took in the city. He was heartbroken, but not for Cambria. Tonight, he felt a different type of ache. He wasn't sure why he was feeling the way he was, but he used Cambria as a cover.

His arm brushed against the keys, startled when the piano played one note. He sighed, running his hand over his stubbled-face that has been growing for a few days.

His phone buzzed, catching his attention. He grasped the smartphone, opening Instantgram. He tapped on the plus icon, his camera causing to appear on the screen.

His rugged yet sexy appearance was reflected on the floor-to-ceiling windows before him. He wore grey sweatpants with no shirt, displaying his hard, built muscles. He brought up his phone, snapping a picture. Through his reflection, the lights from the city that never slept shined, giving the photo a unique significance.

He had a strange urge to post a picture tonight since he rarely did. He had nothing to do and this was the last resort of entertainment. Once he posted, the front desk called. He answered, sighing as he picked up.


"Good evening, Mr. Valentino. Someone is at the front desk requesting to see you. She said it's urgent."

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