Chapter 31:The Deceleration of War

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After I said goodbye to a very nervous Jacob, Hailey and I went into my office. I sat in my chair, sighing still not over the fact that Jacob, one of my best friends, was the traitor. I pulled Hailey over to me and just held her. I knew she was confused, but she still sat still feeling my anger, hurt, and confusion. I relax a bit in my chair while I grab more of my work; Hailey pokes me in the face and points at the couch. I hold in a laugh as I see Alec tangled up in the cover. He moved slightly, falling off the couch and drooling. It was an odd sight to see, but it made me feel better knowing he was sleeping well. I shake my head at Hailey, not wanting her to wake him as I start to do my work.

She nodded, walking out of the room. I start going back over the warriors' reports and get more worried; the rouges were getting worse, increasing their numbers as the days passed by. They became more noticeable; they wanted to be seen. All of a sudden, one of the border patrols walks in, their face grim. He looked down at his feet; a paper crumbled in his hand, "Where is the Alpha?" I stared at him, worried, but informed him that Chris was in his room. The warrior leaves the room; his head still lowered down. I stand up, following after the warrior quietly, ensuring that I didn't wake up Alec. I walk down the hall to see Chris's face go pale; he nods at the warrior and takes the paper from his hand. He notices me and quickly walks over to me. He silently hands me the paper, and I open it to read.

A bit ago, we obtained some information, but of course, it seems you already know that. This information is enough for us to beat you, so I must say, be prepared. For now, the battle has begun; keep your eyes and ears open because soon you'll lose everything.

I stared down at the paper, my body shaking in anger; I look up at Chris and say one thing. "I know who the traitor is."


Chris and I pace around his office, putting all the facts together, trying to figure out how exactly to prove that it was Jacob who did it. I knew all we had to do was send the video to one of the experienced tech people now that we knew who the traitor was. Chris called over our best video editor. He looked nervous, wondering why his Alpha and Beta suddenly called him. I stood beside Chris, my face void of all emotion; I knew my being visibly upset wouldn't help the situation. Chris sat down in his seat and crossed his arms, leaning back. He opened his laptop and turned it to face the guy.

The video plays, and the guy's eyes widen. Chris coughs within his fist before saying, "Now that you've seen the horrible quality of the video, we can begin. I've read that you are the best when it comes to video editing, so I'm assuming you have the ability to revert the video into its true form?" The guy stared at the screen before nodding quickly. He slowly moved towards the laptop and started clicking away at the keyboard.

         Chris and I sat there, waiting patiently for him to get done. After thirty minutes, the guy turns the computer back towards Chris and clicks play. There we see the actual video, the one where Jacob is the one taking the files. I look down, feeling the need to punch a wall. How was I supposed to deal with this when my best friend had betrayed me after so many years? I quickly leave the room, Chris shaking his head quietly as I go; he had felt the same way I had. I look around for Hailey, not knowing what to think of the whole mess. I quickly walk into our room and see her sitting on our bed, watching something on the laptop.

     I quickly walk over to her and lay my head on her shoulder. I knew that soon we would be confronting Jacob and figuring out why he would do such a thing. Yet I knew that I had to calm down some way, for when I saw my old friend who betrayed his pack and me, it all would go downhill from there.   

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