Chapter 26:Meet Your Alpha and Luna

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I walk into the field where the ceremony is going to be and I stare at the beautifully decorated stage.

It has gold lining over the silver cloths along the bottom of the stage, with two poles at the end of each corner holding a line of streamers connecting to each other.

On the left side is the table for all the food that will be served, covered in only a cloth at the time being.

I smile brightly as I know everything is going to plan and I only hope that tonight is the one night we all will remember as we gain a new luna and alpha.

Our pack thriving and growing and we only hope it continues that way even when it's our children's turn to stand on that stage.

I smile at the thought of children, wondering what it would be like once we have an heir born or even when Hailey and I have a child.

I wonder what I would be like as a father, but I do know I will make sure my children never go through what I had to all those years ago.

As I continue to walk around making sure everything is in check my mind continues to wonder like an endless sea flowing in many directions but still having a main flow toward the shore.

I finally walk away from the spot and go back inside to make sure everyone else is okay and ready for tonight.

I also wanted to make sure Hailey and Sarah didn't want to go on a run with just the two of them for a little bit to put both their wolves and them at ease.

It's pretty obvious how nervous Sarah is, even if she lived here all her life, to become Luna is a great responsibility, but I can tell even she thinks she will become a great Luna.

I also knew Hailey was nervous because we were to be announced the beta male and female tonight. We'd be announced first so that we didn't draw attention away from Chris and Sarah as it is also their wedding day.

I grab my suit and look at it, smiling brightly once I noticed it was my father's. I bet he wore this on this ceremony too, I wonder if mom was there at the time.

I shake my head not wanting sad thought to cloud my mind as I prepared for tonight.

I walk back to the packhouse looking around the pack as everybody walks past me.

Going into my bedroom I see Hailey sitting on the bed going through dresses. I smile and sit beside her. "I thought you already picked a dress?" Hailey looks up at me smiling as bright as the sun, "I did, I'm trying to figure out which dress to wear to our beta ceremony. We do have to have our ceremony today too." 

My eyes widened as I realized I forgot we had to be announced also. Hailey laughs, "Don't worry I already planned that part for us. We will be announced first and say our pledge. Then Sarah and Chris will have their part of the ceremony so that we don't take the spot light from them."








It was time for the ceremony, to be honest I was nervouse but I knew I would be just fine with Hailey by my side. My dad and the alpha are up on the stage giving their speeches.

 My dad calls me and Hailey up to give our speeches.

 I breathe in and look at my pack glad that I get to be beta and help Chris take care of all these people.

"I've been a member of this pack since I was little, of course I didn't come here on good terms seeing as I came from a bad place. I learned now that coming to this pack was the best thing to ever happen to me. I got a great family, learned I was my father's missing son, I met my mate Hailey here and I got to be apart of all your guys' life. You all are my family and you always will be. I'll tell you now, I might not be the best Beta, and I will make mistakes, but I know with all of you I will thrive and improve. Hailey and I are more than glad to become the Betas of this pack and we are glad that of all the packs we could've been in, it was this one. That being said, I Daniel Christopher Johnson pledge my life, dedication and heart to this pack. I pledge that I will help protect this pack when it needs protected and I pledge that I will help my alpha lead the people to thrive and become greater."

I take a deep breath and walk off the stage as the pack members clap. Hailey smiles at me as we watch Chris and Sarah walk on the stage. 

They smile at each other the whole time as the alpha talks to the pack. Chris and Sarah face each other as they pladge themselves not only to the pack but to each other. 

After Chris gives his speech they exchange rings, ending the ceremony on a kiss.   

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