Chapter 11:The Journey Starts

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We walk through the woods as I stare at the map, trying to figure out the path we need to take. James and Jacob are talking behind me about school and interest. I find a path that will only take a few days and I look back at the others. "I'm going to leave a note for my dad so he knows where I am." They both nod, and I shift into my wolf running home. I sneak inside and write a note leaving it on my dad's bedside table. When I get back to the guys they are sitting by a tree discussing what they are going to do once they get to the kingdom. I take out the few 20s I have hoping it was enough for our journey. They smile when they see me and stand up. We all continue our walk discussing whether we should travel in wolf form or not. We chose to walk as if we went as wolves we would draw attention to ourselves more. After a few hours, Jacob and James start to slow down as they get tired and hungry. I told them that the next town we will stop at and eat, but have to sleep outside. 30 minutes later we make it to a town and I buy us food as we watch the sun go down. I wonder how my dad is doing and if he is worried about me. After we are done eating we get back outside and once we are far enough from town we find a safe spot to fall asleep. I wake up to hear footsteps and when I open my eyes wolf paws are in front of me. I quickly move back but calm down when I recognize the wolf. It was my dad. He had a fear in his eyes that I haven't seen before. He licks my face as if to check if it was really me. After making sure I was real he wines and walks away. He comes back in human form and runs up hugging me, "You scared me so bad kid, why would you run off like that?" I look him in the eyes and I can see I hurt him. I look down embarrassed and just hug him back. He sighs and picks me up holding me close, "Next time you plan on taking an adventure bring me with you." I nod not wanting to speak. He looks at my friends smiling, "At least you were smart enough to bring someone with you." He hugs me closer and sets me down shifting back into his wolf form. I lay down as he lays down beside me putting his tail over my stomach in a protective position. I drift off to sleep feeling more safe with my dad here. 

I wake up and look around to see the guys up eating and talking with my dad. I walk over and my dad hands me some of the meat I suspect he got from hunting. I eat and we all get ready to get back to our journey. My dad shifts into his wolf and follows behind us as Jacob and James talk to each other. I look at him and he smiles at me the best he can. I smile back and continue to walk glad to have him here. After a few hours we see the kingdom gates wide open with many people walking in. My dad shifts back to his human form and we walk into the kingdom looking around. Jacob and James run off looking at stores and things with excitement. I walk towards the castle gates and stare at the large castle standing so high. The guard hits the gate telling me to back up and I nod a bit startled. Then everything goes quiet, as the queen comes walking out towards the gate chatting with someone. She looks at me and for some reason I see shock in her eyes. She tells the guard to open the gate and walks up to me, "I remember you, you were the little baby I found in the woods when some rouges attacked your parents," She paused and look up at my dad," I took care of you for a little bit but you were taken from me when I wasn't looking. I'm glad to see you back with your dad." My eyes widen as I realize she was the girl from my dreams, I didn't make up the girl it was her all along. She must of been the last face I remembered. I stare at her my eyes wide and a smile on my face. She smiles back and then gets serious again. "So what are you guys doing in the kingdom?" I look at her a bit nervous but more confident now that I know I know her. "Our pack is being attacked by a larger pack that we can't take down...I was hoping to ask you for help." She stares at me sadly and I can already tell I won't like her answer, "I'm sorry sweety but the kingdom is in no shape to fight right now." I stare down trying not to cry, I should of known it wouldn't work, I should've known... My dad puts a hand on my shoulder and picks me up. "Well thank you for seeing us, we should get home now." My dad walks off with me and I can see the hurt in the queen's face, and I close my eyes feeling defeat take over me. 

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