Chapter 23:The Proposal

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Chris's Point of View:

After we walk back home, I sit here nervous, wondering how Sarah will react this Friday. I smile as I picture how everything will play out but get nervous again as I picture how everything can go wrong.

I sigh, trying to calm down as I hear Sarah walk in the front door. I smile as I hear her and Hailey laughing about something, and I quickly walk towards them. Sarah smiles when she sees me, and Hailey winks as she quickly walks over to Daniel. 

I shake my head and continue to walk towards Sarah. "So, how was shopping?" Sarah looks at me with a bright glint in her eyes. "It was great! Hailey and I bought so many dresses! I know the dress she chose for her and Daniel's date is perfect! Hey, I actually wanted to ask, when is their date?"

 My eyes widen, but I just shrug, telling her I wasn't informed as we continue to talk about how her night went. We walk into her room, and she sits down on her bed with me beside her. "So Sarah, since you bought some dresses, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date Friday night?" She turns to me, and I hold my breath waiting for her answer. She smiles and nods, walking over to her bags to hang them up.

I smile brightly as I continue to plan Friday night in my head. I made sure Daniel hid the ring for me so that Sarah couldn't find it. I tell her to choose a dress for Friday night while I go get something. I walk into my bedroom, wondering when I should ask Sarah to switch to my room.

 I know to some this might be too fast, but I've known Sarah since she moved here, and even though we had our ups and downs, the three of us were close when we had our moments. I sigh walking back into Sarah's room to see her laying on her bed staring at the ceiling. 

Sarah had always loved stars and I know the spot Daniel showed me is the perfect place for our date. I lay down beside her staring at the stars she and Daniel painted so long ago. I always thought the two of them would be mates as they both went through a hard time and that's why I never told Daniel when I developed a crush for her.   

Finding out we were mates was the most amazing thing that has happened to me. I was always scared that Daniel would be upset and I would lose my friendship with him, but I could see it in his eyes the day he found out that he was genuinely happy for me. 

I was confused at first on why he wasn't upset but Daniel did exactly what he was told to do. Not to fall for her just in case they didn't end up being mates. I know Sarah had actually developed a crush for him but even she made sure to follow that rule as much as she could. Hence why after a while she was okay with us being mates.

The week passed by painfully and slowly as I wait for the day I propose to Sarah. Finally, the day comes. Hailey is with Sarah helping her get ready, while Daniel helps me. Sarah just thinks this is another date as I have taken her on many. I am extremely nervous but I know with Daniel's help I can do this.

I get dressed making sure everything is perfect, and after awhile Hailey mind-links me telling me Sarah is ready. I sigh out trying to calm my nerves before I walk over to her room. I smile brightly as Sarah walks out.

 She is wearing a fancy white dress, with sparkles all over it, her hair was up in a bun with two strands lying in front of both of her ears. Her eyes were a bright blue with a sparkle in them, But even then they looked like the night sky which even that couldn't compare to them, nor could any other girl compare to her.

I put my hand out for her to take and she smiles taking it. I walk her out to my car opening the door and letting her in. I check my pocket making sure the ring is there before I get into the car.  The drive to the restaurant only took thirty minutes and once we get there I quickly rush to her side to open her door tripping a bit.

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