Chapter 30:The Job of a Beta

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                                                              Daniel's Point of View:

It's been three weeks since someone tried to frame Alec. I haven't had any sleep knowing the traitor is around. How could one sleep knowing that someone wants your life to fall apart? I paced in my office, still trying to put two and two together but yet nothing comes to mind. Who would try to frame Alec? He's new here so it's not like he would gain too many enemies. I look over at Alec, who fell asleep on the couch awhile ago, he too stayed up with me trying to help me figure out who had done this. 

       I grab the cover I had in the drawer of my desk, taking it over to him and putting it on him. I sit at my desk sighing wanting this whole ordeal to be over. I grab the files of all my pack members. Though, instead of going through all of them to see who I suspect, I go through the ones who are just now learning editing and Photoshop.  

       The video was badly made that's for sure, clearly it was being made by someone who's new to it. Then I started to think, instead of finding them this way, I'll find someone who is great at editing and making videos. Maybe just maybe, I can get them to change the video back to it's original form. 

     It's going to be hard not knowing who to trust though, who knows, I might end up asking the very person who made it which in return will find another person to blame.  

I pace back in forth looking at the papers as I think, trying to figure out every possibility for how this had happened. Clearly the one who did this met him the day I was showing him around right? Maybe it's someone jealous of him or someone who had plans but see him as a threat. I bite the pen I had in my hands as I stare at all the possible people who could of done this. The list is large, heck our pack is large, so to find who did this will be hard. I write down all the names of the people who do video editing and put them into separate sections from most skilled to least skilled. 

      I look down at the least skilled and noticed Jacob's name on the list. I don't remember him ever taking editing classes, I stare at his name a bit, I have a gut feeling but I push it away. No, there is no way he's the one behind this, he's my best friend.

I start to think on all the reasons on why he wouldn't be the one to do it but it's hard. I shake my head feeling ashamed of myself for even suspecting him. I put the paper down and sigh, rubbing my temple with my hands as a headache becomes evident. I sit on the couch beside a sleeping Alec, my eyes look over the bags under his eyes, which makes me feel worse cause I know that as long as the traitor is out there the more worried he'll be.

   I think back to Chris and wonder if he had any information or if he was stuck in the same spot as me. I stand back up sitting at my desk looking at the paper work I pushed off for the past few days seeing this situation more important than pack work. I sigh once again and grab the papers and my pen feeling like I shouldn't let my pack down as I know I can do both things at once.  

I go through all the papers of all the pack names and different alliances along with our enemies. I read the reports from our warriors, and skim through what's happening around the borders. Reading about the rogue problems and the weird patterns they seem to be making, I stop biting on the pen I was subconsciously chewing on. My brows furrow together as I think about why they would be surrounding our boarders but not doing anything. I look at the video that was playing on the laptop and stop. 

   Clearly that folder had enough information that the rogues felt strong enough to attack. I quickly take notes and write things down as my eyes widen. Picking up all my papers and notes I rush out of the room quietly to Chris's office. I knock on his door the best I can as my hands are full of a mess of papers and folders. 

    I hear a muffled come in as I try to open the door, finally getting it open, I walk over to Chris's desk and put the papers neatly on his desk. I hear him mutter incoherent words as I raise an eye brow at him.

    "Alpha, it seems that rogues have been around our border more often than usual, and they seem to have a set pattern." I say looking at him noticing the bags under his eyes before I continue, "I have a feeling that whatever information was in that folder was enough to give them a confidence boost and the needs to attack us." 

   Chris stares at me with wide eyes as he picks up my papers and looks through them, he mumbles out an 'I see' mostly to himself than me. I wait for his orders patiently while he reads through the messy pages of my quick writing. After a few moments I speak up again, "Do you by any chance know what was within that folder? Maybe then we can figure out their plan." Chris nods absently as he walks over to the drawer pulling out another folder that looked identical to the one stolen by the traitor. He hands it to me, opening it I skim through it my face going pale.

"How could this be possible? Only you, Jacob, James and I know where this folder was..." My eyes widen in realization. I shook my head not wanting to believe it. Why would he do it? Why would he do such a thing? 

    My head hurts with all the questions running through my mind. Chris stares at me with worry as I start to feel dizzy. What did I do wrong? What would cause him to betray us like that? I look at Chris with fear in my eyes as I realized something.

 I left Hailey with Jacob today.

I rush out of the room running towards the training field that Hailey and Jacob went to today. Hailey wanted some basic training on fighting, I thought it would be best if she went with Jacob as it was his day off. I thought of all the horrible things that could happen to her, I run faster my wolf howling in anger, picturing what would happen if something were to happen to her. 

I knew I was being irrational, I knew that Jacob still thought he was in the clear but the anger and hurt that coursed through my body over powered my reasoning. I stopped mid-run, a few feet away from the training field. My wolf growled out in anger, wanting to continue but I ignored him. I breathed in trying to clear my mind. Okay so Jacob is the traitor and he is with Hailey right now, but Jacob doesn't know I know. I breathed out, if Jacob thinks I don't know, he wouldn't do anything stupid and would keep in the down low. Breathed in, which means Hailey is fine and if we went over there freaking out it might make Jacob realize I knew and then he would threaten Hailey to ensure his safety. I breathed out one last time as I started to think rationally again. 

    I slowly walked over to where they were training and smiled at both of them. It wasn't hard as Hailey always brought a smile to my face. I walked over to them pulling Hailey over towards me a bit too harshly and I felt bad as I rubbed her arm. Jacob looked at me confused but I just shrug. "Hey guys, sorry for that Hailey it's been a long morning, so how's training going." I kiss her forehead, pulling her closer a lot softer, and wait for them to answer patiently. Jacob looks away from me and nods and Hailey starts talking excitedly about how it has gone. I listen to every word she says while also paying attention to how Jacob acts around me now, trying to find some proof of uneasiness.

    I knew what I had to do and I felt horrible for having to do it. After Hailey stops her excited rant, I look over at Jacob with a serious face. While rubbing Hailey's arms to ensure that she was truly safe in my arms and to keep myself calm, I start to talk, "Jacob, any news on the movement of the rogues around our border? It would seem they are planning attack and I was wondering if you had any idea on when or why. Have you or the other warriors heard anything?" 

    It was a simple question, one that didn't suspect him in any way and yet he still tensed. "No I haven't, why do you think they are planning an attack?"  I smile to myself and quickly answer, "Well you know, someone in our pack stole some important files and we think they gave it to them." I heard a faint hitch in his breath as he nods slowly, now not able to look me in the eyes, "No, I haven't heard anything, but I'll be sure to inform you if I do." I nod at him, my wolf growling in my mind, but I hush him with a small chuckle. I lit the match and threw it down, now all we had to do was wait for the fire to ignite.         

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