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Raziel's corset

//I'll be honest, Raz's suit is inspired by Jimin's in Black Swan It's really gorgeous and I loved the suit and corset combo//


I watched maids and servants rushing around the castle, readying for the wedding. I barely moved from my throne, sipping wine from a glass with my eyes clenched shut, using our connection to spy on Raziel. He was half-dressed, with his chest proudly on display. I licked my lips at the sight of his pert nipples and the tiny freckle underneath the left one. "My lord, your top." Judas handed him the top half of the tuxedo and his button-up. 

Scarlet red. 

I watched in delight as he shrugged on the clothes, before summoning and imp to help with his corset. My cock squirmed in my pants as he lined his eyes with kohl and brushed out his voluminous hair. "Lucifer," he purred naughtily. "Quit being a creep and get ready. It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding." My hand slid down to the tent in my pants. "old wives' tales." 

He narrowed his eyes at me, which did not help the python struggling against the zipper. I sighed in defeat and opened my eyes once more, noticing the dozens of eyes on me. "What are you staring at? Get back to work!" I snapped, stepping down from my throne, my angry steps thudding through the halls as I approached my chambers.

"Daddy." I glanced at Lucien, who was swollen with his kits. He glared at me with equal ferocity, his head held high and haughty,  like a true prince. "Father, couldn't you have put the wedding off a little longer? I'm going to pop any day now." He frowned, staring down at his stomach. "Lucien, my darling son," his eyes lit up. "If I held off any longer, I'd be declared a monk! Besides, now's a perfect time. Raziel's transition is almost in full effect." He smirked evilly. 

"Oh? and how do you expect him to make the full change? Murder?" I rolled my eyes. "You sound like a cartoon villain. Raziel's murdered before, he'll do it again. No, I'm going to make him do something so sacrilegious, his stupid brothers up there will weep his purity away. Now, please make way, I have to get ready for my wedding." He seemed miffed, but nodded, padding away from my chambers. I grabbed the tuxedo laid out on the bed for me and stuffed myself into it, placing my crown on my head. I tried to close my eyes again, to bridge my vision with Raziel's, but he seemed to have learned his lesson. The bridge didn't connect. 

However, I did hear loud footfalls, accompanied by scents that made my cock spring back to life, suddenly. The sweet, natural perfume of everything right in the universe, with a delicious undertone of unforgiving darkness. "are you ready, Lord Lucifer? Raziel is waiting." I turned towards the door and opened it, following Judas to the castle's ballroom that was currently converted to a wedding venue. A lower-class demon stood behind the altar before a book and a dagger. I turned to face the crowd. Every demon from every class had gathered to witness the spectacle, and I could already hear the fake blonde demon that told the news on the television squealing about it. 

I turned my attention to my love, who came walking down the aisle, looking like a dream wrapped in silk. His hair swayed with each step, and he chewed at his lip as he bored into my eyes. I could see the faint outline of his member in his pants, and the love and lust permeating off of him were chokingly thick. 

He approached me with hooded eyes, and I chivalrously gave my hand. We held hands and stared at the demon in front of us. We read our vows and traded rings. 

"Now you may kiss your Kin--holy shit!" He cried as the roof around us shook. "Raziel!" His eyes were wide with fear as he clutched onto my jacket. "We're going to be fine, doll. Relax." 

The roof quieted as the noisemakers finally came down and faced me like real men. I stared down the men who once called me Brother as the cut out my heart and threw me down. "Michael. Raphael. Who do you think you are, ruining our matrimony?" Michael eyed Raziel in my arms. "Raz, brother." He stiffed in my arms. "You don't belong here. what are you doing?" I held him closer to me. "I think I know better for him than you do, boys." I curled my lip at them. "You can't take him away. Never again. In fact--" I snapped my fingers, causing two chairs to slide behind them, tripping them into them as snake-like ropes held them. 

"Now, proceed!" I commanded the tiny demon. "Y-you may kiss your King." Raziel took no time, claiming my lips as ferociously as I did to his, our teeth and tongues clashing. I took a bit of pleasure of watching the Archangel's faces pale and distort in disgust at Raziel's raunchy moan.

"darling," I hissed against the shell of his ear, nibbling it. "One final step to becoming mine. Are you ready to do it?" He nodded vigorously. I handed him the very first dagger known to man, the very one that Cain slew his brother with. The cross with Jesus attached to it rolled into the room, Jesus still nailed to it, somehow not deteriorated from the eons spent on the damn thing. "Stab him, claim your crown. Claim me." He moaned again, his eyes flashing a delicious and downright evil red. 

"Don't do it! Raziel!" Raphael cried. "Not the Prince!" 

Raziel hardly gave him a glance before stabbing the dagger into Jesus' heart, to the hilt. Jesus crumbled to ashes, leaving nothing but a body-shaped stain and the dagger. Raziel fell to his knees in front of me. 

The bowl of my blood was ready for him. "Drink, my love." 

He gripped the wooden bowl so hard I was worried it might crack, and downed the whole thing. 

So fucking hot. I purred in his head. I'm going to give it to you nice and rough. 

That's how I like it. He smirked. 

I stood behind him and tore away his shirt, letting his new and improved coal-black wings slice through the air. One of the Archangels sobbed. Raziel smiled evilly at the tears as his horns came through his skull, towering as high and as thick as my own. 

"Pledge yourself to your king!" He commanded the demons. Every demon in the building bowed on their hands and knees for him. I placed his crown on his head, as twisted and ornate as mine. Black thorns with red droplets rubies and clear diamonds. 

"What a beauty you are, my dove." 

"You're not too bad yourself, Sire."

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