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     With a permanent scowl on my face, I trudged my way around the castle, demanding answers rom the decrepit building. I made sure to avoid all demons, especially the flirtatious ones with the smirks on their lips and an exaggerated tilt of the hip. No, I had a mental list of people to visit.

   ● Judas

  ● Abbadon(Might get scratched off)

 ● Kali (Or Forras)

 And last but not least: the devil himself. With my list in mind, I took a breath, and wandered until I found Judas' study, marked by the multitude of constellations on it. My right hand made it to my chest, over my heart, and I gingerly rapped the door. It was opened almost instantaneously, making me look up at Judas' handsome face. Average height, but familiar, platinum hair put in a ponytail that graced his shoulder. Smoldering, blinded silver eyes, and a gentle smile.

  "My, your highness, I do believe we have a visitor." My nose scrunched at that comment. Highness? We? I glanced over Judas' shoulder at Lucifer, who gave me an evil smirk. Judas ushered me inside. "Sit there, Raziel." He waved in a general area, with only a loveseat; one side holding the devil himself.

  "How'd you know it was me?" I asked once I was seated with a steaming cup of white tea. He smiled, as he poured tea for the Dark One. "I can sense auras. Your aura was pure, so it was easy to tell." Lucifer gave me a devious side glance, before looking at Judas. "May I have something to drink? I'm quite parched." Judas blushed. "How rude of me! I'm sorry, m-my lord." He rushed back into the kitchen. "Why are you--hey!" I let out a little noise as I was pushed down.

   "Why do you do this to me?" Lucifer's hot breath was on my throat and ear. "Why do you tempt me? How do you always manage to make me needy?" His lips traveled down my throat. "I've made up my mind. I want you. I want to corrupt you. I want to watch you darken. I want to make you commit your first sin. I want--no, I need you to be mine."

    He grabbed a fistful of my hair. No! My hair and my neck are my weaknesses! I pushed my hands against his chest, but it was no use. His body against mine, heated for the sake of passion, his stubble gently scrubbing my throat as he made it past my shirt. The mere touch of another sent shivers down my spine, and my eyes fluttered closed. My hands slowly lowered in defeat, and wrapped around his waist instead.

  So hot.

So sweet.

So breathtaking.

So sinful.


  My eyes shot open in realization. "No," I murmured. "No! I don't want this!" I kicked Lucifer in the crotch, then when he cursed, I grabbed him in a headlock and rolled him off of me, onto the floor. "Oh, you little..."I started to run away, but then I let out a cry when something grabbed onto my hair, which was now almost knee length due to how fast angel hair grows. Its why we all have long hair.

   Lucifer dragged me back to him by my hair, his eyes glowing in anger. I was pulled on until I was laying underneath him again. He glared down at me, with a little blood stain on his temple. He must've hit--

   "The table going down." he finished. I stared at him in bewilderment. "Don't act so surprised. I've always been able to read your mind. Everytime you prayed for my death, everytime you acted docile to escape, well guess what, sweetheart? You'll never escape me."

  With that, a magic leather strap connected from this Godawful collar of mine to his hand.

                                     "I own you."

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