The Meg (Jonas Taylor)

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"Get to the escape pods!" The captain shouted through the sound system, another crash rang through the underwater research submarine you where on followed by terrified screams of your science group. You joined a group that was looking for new sea planets that could be altered into medicine, everything was going smoothly until something hit the side of the sub. The captain had assumed it was just a shift in the tide but then a harsher blow hit the side and sent the crew to their knees.

Several more collisions occurred before the engine started failing, the sub slowly sank to the squishy ocean floor. Many people were too frightened to move and you couldn't just leave them, so you made quick trips carrying or dragging people to the escape pods. Every time one would fill you would close the hatch and hit the button to send it to the surface.

There were only a few people left and only one more pod, all of you crammed in and locked the hatch, you hit the eject button but nothing happened. A flashing red light on the control panel caught your attention,

"Power failure." The small group started to panic and lose all sense of humanity at your quiet statement, your mind was overwhelmed by the thought of being stuck down here or worse, dying down here. Looking around at all the scared faces in the small pod you felt a wave of courage wash over you. "Calm down everyone. I will go to the to the control room and call in an underwater rescue." You tried to sound reassuring.

"But we are taking on water the control room is probably underwater by now." One of them spoke up with a shaky voice,

"I still have to try." You took a deep breathe before looking at each of them, then opened the hatch back up. Another deep breathe and you jogged down the hallway, whatever was outside the sub gently pushed against the side again making it hard to run in a straight line. The control room was on the floor below you and when you reached to stairs they were indeed covered from floor to ceiling, water was steadily rushing in from somewhere down there.

Taking a deep breath you dived in, three rooms down you found the control room and swam over to the console. Flipping a few switches an emergency rescue signal was set off, your lungs burned for air as you rushed back to the stairs. Once you finally found them air was immediately welcomed back into your body, coughing a few time as you got up and ran.

A brutal attack from the outside sent you crashing into a busted pipe on the wall, your eyes widened when you saw the small metal tube impaling you upper thigh. Slowly you pulled it out with a pain-filled cry and limped back towards the pod, you were almost there when the ship shook again. Your weakened body fell to the floor and refused to get back up, after a mental argument with yourself, you convinced your body to move before the others left you behind. Almost there and you could have sworn you saw a man running towards you, his arms wrapped around your tired body and carried you to your group. After you and your group were safely in the rescue ship, you gave your savior a smile before everything went black.

Your body slumped against the wall after giving him a greatful smile, Jonas had to focus hard on his job to make he got all of the people out there alive, but his mind still lingered on you. He had found the group in the escape pod and they told him you had ran to send for help, he found your actions courageous and admirable. When he found you stumbling in the hall with a deep wound his heart raced, you were beautiful and brave, and his type. Focus Jonas! He mentally screamed at himself as he carried your limp body back to his ship and made sure everyone one was there before he got them to the surface for help.

As soon as the ship surfaced Jonas ordered one of his team mates to start heading in the direction of land and call for emergency medical attention, he ran to your unconscious side and applied pressure to your wound. You were loosing a lot of blood and your breathing was shallow, but the constant begging voice of your savior had you holding on to everything you could reach.

After what felt like forever your eyes finally obeyed your command to open, the stale white ceiling of a hospital greeted you. Slowly you moved your aching body into a sitting position, hissing when the skin of your thigh moved against the scratchy hospital blanket covering your legs.

A nurse entered the room and smiled at you, "Your awake! How are you feeling?" Nodding in response to her question, the nurse walked around the room doing her usual routine. Before she left you caught her attention.

"Who was the man that saved us?" The nurse gave a dreamy sigh and blushed at the mere mention of him.

"Joans Taylor, handsome and perfect in every way." Her smile disappeared when she looked back down at you though. "He has come to see you everyday at 3, he should be here in about 10 minutes." She scoffed looking down at her watch then left the room. 'Who spit in her cereal this morning?' You wondered. Minutes later the door to your room opened and in walked the most handsome man you had ever laid eyes on, his beautiful hazel eyes met yours and a bright smile bloomed across his pink lips.

"You must be Mr. Taylor." You said giving him a smile, his face slightly flushed.

"Please call me Jonas." He slid a chair over beside your bed and sat down, "How are you feeling?"

"Great. How is the rest of the group?"

"Everyone made it out, because of you." Your face flushed at his statement,

"N-no you are the one I need to be thanking, you came down there to save us and had to carry my heavy self out of there." You looked away, not feeling like a hero sitting in this bed right now, Jonas placed his hand on your good leg.

"You were very brave and some of those people would not have made it if you hadn't helped them. Even scarified yourself to save those in the failed pod, you were amazing down there." You looked at him with tears in your eyes and a smile, "And your not heavy, your body is perfect." His face immediately turning red after he realized what he had said, you fiddled with the blanket bashfully and bit your lip.

"You maybe wanna grab a coffee later, when I can walk." You asked hopefully, Jonas smirked and stood up.

"Why wait until then." He bent over and very carefully picked you up minding your wound, a proud smile on his face as he carried you down the hallway and all the way to the cafeteria.

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