Mechanic (Arthur Bishop)

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Third person POV (on Arthur)

The bar was buzzing with life, friends and family having drinks, a few just trying to find a partner for the night, or maybe they were like Arthur, just there to have a few drinks to end a good day in an even better way. Downing the last of his second drink of the night, he politely ordered another one, swirling it around a few times before taking a relaxing swig. Everything was going calmly until a soft voice caught his ear,

"I said, please don't touch me." Looking over he found the source of the noise coming from a beautiful woman, Arthur also saw her push away a hand that belonged to the man seated beside her. The man didn't seem to care about her answer and replaced his hand on her thigh, trying to slide it up her (skirt/shorts). Again the beautiful women push his hand away with a plea and stood from her seat, she paid for her untouched drink before heading for the door in a hurry. The man that had been touching her raced after her with a lustful expression, he reached out and grabbed her wrist as they past Arthurs chair by the bar, the woman tried to snatch her arm back but was ruffly pulled into the mans chest. Before she had time to cry out she was released from the mans iron hold and shoved behind someone, when she looked up, Arthur was standing between them with his back to her in a protective stance.

"Don't touch her again." The man smirked and stood to his full height, towering over Arthur by a good six inches.

"Or what? You gonna make me? Shorty?" He chuckled whilst Bishop showed no emotion, until he heard a small whimper come from behind him. For reasons unknown to him, that small fearful sound infuriated his every fiber, brows furrowing Arthur now glared at the man and ever so slightly moved his foot, putting himself it a defensive stance that reeked of , 'Make a move, I dare you'. The man didn't seem to notice the change in character and went to step around Bishop to get to the woman behind him, Bishop stepped to the side, blocking his path, the man tried again and was met with the same fate. Furious and aggravated the man threw the first punch, straight towards Arthurs jaw.

Gasps rang throughout the bar when Bishop expertly dodged the mans angry fist, but that wasn't the only one he threw, the man kept throwing punches until his arms hurt, or more like until Bishop was tired of playing with him. Faster and stealthier then a snake in May, Arthur struck the man with a single punch to the side of his face, the man faltered for a second before falling to the ground extremely disoriented. A few cheers erupted in the bar, but most were silent in fear and amazement. Turning around Arthur looked at the woman he had defended, she was absolutely gorgeous in his eyes.

"Are you alright?" He asked, all the woman could do was nod, still speechless from what she had just witnessed. Giving her a lop-sided grin, Arthur held out his hand to introduce himself. "Arthur Bishop." When she excepted his offer, he brought her hand up and placed a gentle kiss to her soft knuckles. Her face flushed as she watched Bishops action and finally found her words with a sweet smile,

"(Y/n) (l/n), can I buy you a drink?"


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