Expendables (Lee Christmas)

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Third person pov

After Lacy left Lee for Paul, Lee was devastated. But he had you, his best friend who never left his side even through the toughest of times. You helped him slowly get through it, step by step.

It's been a few years since then, but Lee didn't think he'd ever find love again and quit trying. You would always be there for him but you can't give someone something they don't want, so you backed off and started looking for your self.

You met a very charming man, Brad, he would buy you flowers and goodies, take you to expensive places. The sweetest, most caring man on earth, at least that's what you thought.

On night after a wonderful date he asked you to sleep with him, intimately, you told him you were saving yourself for your husband but would stay to watch a movie or something. Brad became annoyed and tried to force you into it, when you fought back he hit you, you tried to run and get away but he caught you.

After a few weeks you stopped trying to run because he would always find you, he made you abandon all your friends and family to stay with him. You lost all hope for life and became empty inside, this man was destroying you and you were to weak to stop it.

A knock at the door made him back away for a moment so you could rid of the person at the door, hiding your black eye with some hair you opened the door, almost smiling when you saw who it was, Lee Christmas. But he didn't look as happy to see you, his face holding some hurt.

"Why haven't you answered my calls?" Tears formed in your eyes, you didn't know he had been calling. Your phone was taken away for trying to call for help. You heard Brad inside grumbling and knew Lee had to go before he got too upset.

"I'm sorry Lee but you need to leave." Christmas clenched his jaw, obviously angry.

"So you get yourself a man and now I'm nothing to you." A tear rolled down your cheek, this hurt your heart more then you could bare. You stepped outside soundlessly closing the door Behind you, looking up at your best friend. Lee saw your bruised eye and moved your hair, he frowned when you shied away from his touch. "What has he been doing to you?"

The door opened cutting off your answer, Brad came out, pushing Christmas away from you with his hand. Lee took a step back glaring at him,

"Did you do that?" Lee asked point at your eye, Brad looked at your face with pride, smiling when you looked away in fear. "Answer me." Brad stood taller, looking down on Christmas's slightly smaller form.

"That's none of your business." Brad said stepping over an invisible line Christmas had draw, nobody, and I mean NOBODY touches you that way.

"(Y/n) go stand by my bike." The air around you seemed to freeze, you could feel threats radiating off Brad. Looking Lee in the eyes, he was very very pissed, but his eyes softened when they met yours. Slowly you stepped away from Brad and walked over to where his bike was parked by the road.

"Get your ass back in the house! Right Now!" Brad yelled at you, when you kept backing away he lunged at you. You threw your arms up blocking yourself from his attack, but the force never came, curiously you slowly lowered your arms. Eyes widening when you saw Christmas kneeling on Brads chest, who had a blooded nose and busted lip.

"You ever look at her again, I won't go so easy on you." Lee growled at the man under him before standing up and walking over to you. He handed you a helmet and told you to get on. You climbed on behind him and wrapped your arms around his torso, Lee gave your hand a gentle pat before starting his motorcycle.

He drove to his house and parked his bike, you followed him into the small house and went straight to the couch. Christmas sighed and sat down beside you, he laid his arms open not asking for a hug but just if you wanted it. You slowly leaned into your friend, until you were basically using him as a pillow. Tears ran down your face as you laid there, feeling safe for the first time in a while. Christmas played with your hair, running his fingers through it soothingly.

You soon fell asleep on Lee, who kept playing with your hair. He watched you sleep, taking in your features he hadn't noticed before. You were really beautiful, how had he missed that before. You were his best friend you wouldn't like him in that way, right? It didn't matter, as long as you were happy, he would always be there for you. Step by step, just as you had with him so long ago.

Leaning over he placed a soft kiss on your temple, making a promise to you and himself, even if you were asleep.

"Nobody will hurt you, ever again."

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