Attack Of The Sonic Crew

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Silver and Shadow had made it to the Eggman base where the rest waited for their report. Sonic most of all. Shadow and Silver walk in to the sonic crew grouped up in front of them. With Eggman and Sonic standing side by side in front of the group. 

"So, what did you two find!?" Sonic asked. He wiped the worry off his face so he didn't come off as suspicious. Shadow looked over at Silver with a careless look. Silver turned his head toward Shadow and nodded, getting the message. He turns back toward them with a sigh. 

"All the Metals, The tails doll, and Infinite are living in a lab with (y/n)" Silver explains the rest of the details that he had seen. Receiving slight growls and a chest of fear coming from Sonic. "What do we do now Sonic?" 

"We..." Sonic paused as he looked toward the crew. "We help (y/n) and attack all the creations, including Infinite, don't lay a hand on (y/n)"

~In Your Lab~

(Y/n) and Infinite sat on the couch with the rest of the creations standing in front of them. Metal Shadow standing in front of the two, explaining to them what he saw. 

“Silver the hedgehog was looking down at us through that window” Metal Shadow spoke with his deep robotic voice. As he pointed to a window high up on the wall. (y/n)’s eyes widened as well as Infinite’s did. (Y/n) stands and walks toward her security camera screens and went through the footage from an hour ago. Infinite and the other creations followed her and looked at what she was doing on the screens. However, as she was watching Silver and Shadow try to spy, the alarm system went off and a loud bang came from the front door. (y/n) jumped at the sudden actions and loud sounds as she quickly stood up and looked toward the door. Where Sonic and his crew stood. Shadow ran up and picked (y/n) up and Sonic jumped up and homing attacked Metal Sonic. Infinite’s eyes widened as he growled and ran toward Shadow to help (y/n). However, Knuckles punches Infinite to the wall. 

“Don’t get near her!!” Knuckles shouted. Infinite cried with pain as he held his stomach. (y/n) struggled in Shadow’s arms as she screamed at the crew to leave the creations alone. 

“NO! GET AWAY FROM THEM! GUYS RUN!” (y/n) shouted as she elbowed Shadow’s ribs, but it did no good. Infinite sat against the wall, his heart racing as he looked up at Knuckles with his ears drooped. Sonic had destroyed Metal Sonic and the Tails doll. Silver stood in front of the Metal Silver. They began to fight against each other as Amy jumped in and destroyed Metal Shadow. (y/n)’s eyes began to glow red as she lowered her head and bit Shadow’s wrist. 

“Grrr” Shadow growled as she hit his ribs as hard as possible. Finally being let go, (y/n) ran at Knuckles from behind and tail slapped him into the wall. Receiving a groan of pain as (y/n) ran to Infinite and took his hand. 

“C’mon Infy!” (y/n) shouted as she ran toward the door with Infinite in her arms. Sonic growled and ran up behind (y/n). He lifted her up and ran back in. Shadow takes Infinite from her arms and threw him to the ground. “NO! SONIC LET ME GO!” 

“You can’t hang out with him! Can you not remember what he did!?” Sonic exclaimed. (y/n) struggled in his arms as she tried to push away from him. 

“I can! And I forgive him! Idc if he was evil he isn’t anymore! I love him, not you Sonic! Get over it!” She knew what she said and she meant it. Everyone stopped and looked toward (y/n) with a surprised expression. Sonic looked slightly hurt as he gently set her down with drooped ears. But he lifted them back up to hide it as he began to walk toward the door. The crew member’s looked toward each other as they looked back to the door. Silver silently walks out behind Sonic, as well as the rest one by one. 

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