Metal Tails, Metal Amy, & Metal Espio

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~In Eggman's Lab

Eggman still stood at the huge screen monitor. Banging his fist on the dash board. With Sonic and the resistance behind him, aggravated with Eggman's again failed attempt to find (y/n).

"Why is that pesky little cat so annoying!?" Eggman shouted. Sonic growled at Eggman.

"She's a fox, not a cat!" Shadow argued for Sonic. They all were just about done with Eggman. However they knew he was their only hope in finding (y/n).

"Orbot, Cubot, send out Metal Espio, Metal Amy, and Metal Tails!" Eggman ordered. Both assistant robots ran around, trying to do as they were told.

"You made metal version of me?!" Espio calmly spoke with his low and soothing voice. The one thing you liked about Espio. Eggman ignored the chameleon and continued staring at his computer monitor.

~At Your Lab~Your POV~

Me and Infy walked around the forest again. With Tails back at my lab. Infy didn't like me going out by myself. Due to the past events when I left him at home. So he decided to come with me to keep me safe. He walked silently on my right side. I look at him and nudged him with my elbow playfully. He stumbled a little bit and looked at me. I smiled at him and got a smile in return. He playfully nudges me back. I stumbled to the left slightly. I pinch his side with a smirk. He yelped with a giggle. I knew he was ticklish.

"Don't do that!" He ordered. I did it again and made him yelp and giggle. "I said don't!"

"Awwww, is little Infy ticklish?" I teased. He blushed and looked away. He whispered a low 'no' and continued walking. I smirk and brought my tail up to his ear. I flick my tail against his ear, making him silently giggle.

"Hehe (y-y/n) stohop! I'him nohot tihicklish!" He demanded through small giggles. I take my tail away from his ear and smile.

"Your giggles are cute Infy, and smile more, your much cuter when you do" I look at him and saw a light pink blush run across his cheeks.

"I'm not meant to look cute. I am the tallest of mountains, the roughest of waves, the toughest of terrors, the darkest of days, I am the last one standing" I look away and sigh, adding a frown to the mix.

~Infinite's POV

"I'm not meant to look cute. I am the tallest of mountains, the roughest of waves, the toughest of terrors, the darkest of days, I am the last one standing" I say. I heard her sigh, so I look at her and realized that she was frowning. Is she expecting me to not be like that? She can't change who I am. I am the Ultimate Mercinary! You can't change that no matter what you do!

"You can't change who I am, I am the Ultimate Mer-" I was cut off by the sound of rustling bushes. We both look around at our surroundings.

"Metal Tails..... Metal Amy...... M-Metal Espio!?" I look at (y/n). There is no one around, how does she know that? I suddenly get kicked into a tree. I hold my stomach as I look around. I look at (y/n) again. Her eyes were closed and she looked calm. She started to punch and kick the air. What the hell? What is she doing? I saw what she was punching when a tore apart Metal Espio smashed into a tree on the opposite side of me.

"How did you-?" I was cut off again when I saw her attack a Metal Tails and a Metal Amy. In as little as 1 minute both robots were down on the ground. My mouth dropped as I watched her walk over to the robots and pick them up.

"Come on you Ultimate pain" She said agitated. What did she just call me!? I swear. We head back to the lab and let Tails get back to his annoying friends.

The rest of the day (y/n) sat fixing the robots. I sat in the living room, as bored as can be. I look over at (y/n) and she was still working on the robots. For some reason my ears droop when I did. Is she still mad? I check the time and it's 10:00 at night. I'm gonna go to bed. I stand up and walk toward my room.

"Good Night" I said with a smile, looking back at (y/n). She didn't say anything, she didn't smile, she didn't even look up from what she was doing. I look down and sigh, walking into my bedroom. Yep, she is defiantly mad or disappointed at me. And for some reason I don't like the fact that she is. I lay down in my bed and go to sleep; having a nightmare.

~3:56 AM~Still Infinife's POV

I shot awake and screamed from a terrible nightmare. A nightmare that I hate to think about. I get up off my bed and walk out into the dark lab. I flip the switch and the light's turn on. The first thing I saw was (y/n) sleeping in her chair. She's so cute when she sleeps. I carefully pick her up bridal style and slowly walk toward her bedroom. She gripped onto my shoulders and laid her head on my chest. I blush really hard and look down at her with a smile. I quietly kick her door open and walk into her room. I set her on her bed and cover her up. But when I went to walk away, I felt someone grab my arm. I look back and saw (y/n) still asleep, but she had a hold of my arm. I feel her yank me into the bed and cuddle me. My face was in her chest. Every piece of white fur on my body turned red.

"G-g-good night (y-y/n)" I smiled. Falling asleep in the bed with her.

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