45|| Erudite Conversations.

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It's leading me on, everytime we touch

Leading me on, everytime it hurts

Feeling so lonely, 'cause it's not enough

Missin' you only, ever since we fell in love

~Touch by Cigarettes After Sex


THE TRAGEDY OF DEATH. Fascinating. It takes a lot of courage to accept death, whether it be the lost person, or the people losing that person. This is why Tom Riddle was a coward.

It could be somewhat relieving, seeing another person get lowered into their graves and knowing that he would never be in their place, for he was immortal.

But Death is spontaneous. No matter how much you expect it, you'll never be ready enough to face it. It is something out of humans' control, something they know they will come across eventually. This is why Tom Riddle considered himself powerful.

He was able to avoid something so inescapable, so terrifying. But was there a true joy in living, if one could live forever?

But being immortal was perfect for Tom. He was emotionless, apathetic. He was stoic. And that's why being immortal was an advantage to him. He didn't have to worry about constantly losing his loved ones, while he was still alive. He didn't have to worry about the prolonged pain he'll have to endure throughout his never-ending life.

But then Rosalind came along. She ruined everything, at least in his point of view. He wanted her to stay by his side. He needed her by his side. But she was not immortal. She would die eventually, and he didn't know if he could handle that.

"You should create a horcrux," Tom began, speaking suddenly after breaking out of his trance. Rosalind looked at him incredulously, wondering what the reason of his sudden suggestion was.

"Um, of course not, Tom," she spoke nonchalantly as she hung her dress in the closet, to prevent it from getting wrinkled.

They were at The Holiday Inn Express Hotel and Suites, Noah's hotel in York. Well, not exactly his, but his parents did own it. He'd offered them a suite, and completely refused when they asked to pay.

The condition of this room was so much different than the one they had to stay in during Christmas break. It was much more luxurious and spacious, with a huge King-sized bed, and a lounge all for their own. They also had a minibar, which was somewhat exciting. Noah must've been insanely rich.

"You have to create a horcrux, Rosalind. Think of how much power we'll both have when we're immortal. We can never be defeated," Tom argued, but to no avail. Rosalind kept shaking her head in disagreement throughout his speech.

She sat on the bed, patting the spot beside her for him to sit down. "I don't want power, Tom. I don't want to be immortal. I just want to live."

"But that's ridiculous. You want to be an insignificant speck in the universe like all of the others?" If the last sentence was meant to be a statement, it came out more as a question.

"No, Tom. I'd like to have an effect on people's lives. Everyone would, after all. I want to leave a print on their soul. But the difference between you and I, is that you'd want to leave a scar, while I'd like to leave a beautiful vestige," she countered, and he tilted his head while he stared at her like she was a convoluted mystery. He'd spent so much time with her, probably more than he'd spent with anybody else, but she still remained a mystery to him. In a way, at least.

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