12|| Come and Go Room.

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THE WEATHER WAS GRADUALLY changing from cool breeze to disturbing wind. Sunday morning was not as shiny and bright as usual, the sky was almost dark and the leaves that once hanged gloriously from the trees were now falling like ashes to the ground, unoticed and stepped on by every living being.

That following day started with a painful migraine. Rosalind's mind reviewed almost all of the events of the previous night during her sleep. She suffered from nightmares at night, and from headaches and memories during her consciousness.

Her day was quite uneventful, since most of it was spent reading in her bedroom or in the library. Hogwarts' students bid farewell to their new Beauxbatons and Durmstrang friends that day. Rosalind didn't bother to watch the ship and the carriage depart from the Hogwarts' grounds.

As expected, she didn't want to even glance at the Bulgarian prick one more time, so she spent most of her time hiding in her room.

She only bothered to spend some time with her long lost friend, Victoire, before the latter left to France.

Rosalind was seated in her usual corner of the library, her 15th Century Fiends book lying on her lap, as usual 'borrowed' secretly from the restricted section. However, Rosalind wasn't reading the book she retrieved, but she was staring out the window as small droplets of rain pecked the glass.

She had been completely zoned out when someone took a seat right across from her.

"You owe me an explanation." Abraxas Malfoy stated, a cold glare traced his features.

"Excuse me?" Rosalind replied raising her eyebrows at him, equally as cold. She hadn't forgotten what Riddle said the previous night. Although she shouldn't completely believe the Slytherin snake no matter what, she was still going to try and confront Abraxas.

"You left me the whole night while you got all lovey-dovey with Riddle! How could you abandon me so easily?!" Abraxas growled, fuming as if he had any right to.

"I really don't want to talk to you right now," Rosalind retorted calmly before she pretended to continue reading her book, although her eyes not scanning the letters but fixed on a certain line. She was trying hard not to hex Abraxas into oblivion.

"What has gotten into you?!" Abraxas almost shouted, receiving a glare from the librarian.

"Lower your voice Abraxas. I'm pretty sure you're quite aware of the consequences of my anger," She growled, making Abraxas slightly shrink in his seat.

"Tom must be rubbing off on you," The blonde boy mumbled, fiddling with his hands.

"Shut up Malfoy."

"So that's it then, we're back on last name basis?" Abraxas muttered disappointedly, a sad gleam in his greyish blue eyes.

"That's it," She replied, staring blankly at him.

"You're just going to forget our friendship. Fine, I get it." He furrowed his eyebrows angrily, making Rosalind all the more furious.

"How dare you?! You should've thought about that before you accepted that 'task' from Riddle. How dare you talk about friendship and all you had was a fake mission!"

"H-how do you know about that?" He stammered, his eyes widening in fear and dismay.

"So, it's true then? What a shame Abraxas. What a shame," She spat, gathering her stuff and leaving the library. There goes her calm day.

Abraxas remained in his seat, his face in his palms. Miserable and heartbroken.


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