5|| Confrontations and Warnings.

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One way or another

I'm gonna find you

I'm gonna get you

One way or another

I'm gonna win you

I'm gonna get you, get you

~One Way or Another by Until The Ribbon Breaks


THROUGH THE NEXT FEW hours, Rosalind's curiosity was nibbling at her insides. She desperately wanted to know why Tom Riddle wanted to talk to her in private.

What did he want now? What was he onto? She couldn't help but wait impatiently till the clock ticked 5:55 and she headed towards the Great Lake.

Riddle was already facing the glistening waters when she arrived. His back was turned to her, his hands crossed formally behind his back.

"One week into the school year, and you already want a date, Riddle? Isn't it a bit too early?" Rosalind teased, standing by his side as he towered over her.

He smirked, glancing at her from the corner of his eye. "Oh please don't flatter yourself, Bonaccord," His voice was a soft murmur.

A few moments of silence passed, only the soft breeze cuddling their skin and the sweeping of the calm waves gracing their ears.

It was surprisingly a comfortable silence.

Rosalind watched as the sun and the horizon dissolved into eachother, forming a painting of vibrant pink and red hues.

And there was the faint image of the crescent moon, smiling wickedly at them although it could barely be seen at this early time.

"How beautiful," Rosalind breathed out, amazed by the painted scenery. "I love sunsets."

"You love nature in spite of what it did to you? That's interesting," Tom Riddle taunted as he looked over at her, his arms now by his sides. He was smirking teasingly at her, just like he always did.

And in one way or another, he just called her ugly. It absolutely infuriated her.

She sneered, "You would've been much more likeable if it wasn't for that hole in your mouth that noise comes out of," Rosalind retorted, glaring at the Slytherin Prefect.

In return, he chuckled. It was a deep and soothing sound, like a blessing to her ears, for this humoured noise was very rare when it came to Tom Riddle.

He turned to face her. "You admit it then, my looks are likeable?" He questioned incredulously.

Rosalind sighed irritatedly, he was insufferable.

"You didn't drag me here just to insult me, did you? Tell me, what do you want?" She scowled as he paid her no attention, kneeling down and laying on the humid grass.

"Sit." He ordered, and she glared at him before obeying and taking a seat next to him, with enough space in between them.

Riddle leaned back in his place, his arm pressed onto the grass for support.

He stared at her, and she stared back, studying every detail of his fine features. The fading sun still managed to cast enhancing hues to his face, making him all the more enticing.

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