36|| Lovestruck Couple.

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SHE GAPED AT HIM. "Date? As in date date? Like girlfriend boyfriend date?"

"Yes, Rosalind. A serious relationship, where two people supposedly love each other," Tom answered, as if he was explaining to a five year old what's 1+1.

"What's in it for me?"

"Well, this thing will benefit the both of us. Since you obviously are infatuated with me, and I can't deny my partiality to you, we should date. This would really increase our popularity and importance here. We'll constantly be the talk of the school. Can you picture it, the Golden boy with the Golden girl? We would have double the influence and the power on others. Everyone would love us, even the teachers.

"Also, this might hopefully increase the chances of others joining my order. This really is a perfect plan. It would make everyone stop wondering about what we are. How did I not think of this before?" He pondered on his own, while she just stared at him, flabbergasted.

"You're literally telling me to my face that you will manipulate me for your own good!" She exclaimed, running a hand through her hair irritatedly.

"It's not manipulation if we're both benefiting."

"It is! You're blatantly telling me that you'll use my feelings for your benefit. I won't let you use me like that!"

"Listen, we can both be satisfied in this 'relationship', but if you really don't want that, then it's up to you," Tom answered, and she was kind of shocked. She didn't expect his heartlessness to stretch so far, to the point of hurting her feelings.

"I don't," She finally sat on the couch, her arms crossed over her chest angrily.

Tom sat next to her, a hand stroking her cheek while he spoke softly. "Are you sure, Rosalind? Are you sure you don't want this?"

His voice was husky, which made her shudder slightly. He started kissing her neck, softly, tenderly. He knew this was her weakness, and he was taking advantage of that.

"Tom, please stop." She breathed, but made no endeavour to stop him.

"No," He whispered, as he continued exploiting her. Every kiss he placed, sent an electric shiver throughout her body.

"Do you really think that you can seduce me into doing this?" She questioned incredulously, finally trying to push him off of her.


"Well, I hate breaking it to you, but it'll never happen."

"Why not?" By now, Tom had her trapped, once again, between him and the couch. She really didn't understand why he insisted on executing this ridiculous 'plan'.

"Why do you expect me to always agree with everything you suggest?"

"Because, everything I suggest is beneficial to either one of us, or both of us."

"Your fan club will kill me."

"You're strong enough to defend yourself."

"We'll have to be very affectionate and intimate in front of everyone."

"I'm sure that we'll both like it."

She remained silent, because she was sort of convinced by his words. Plus, she really liked the idea of having something with Tom, no matter how fake it was.

"Well, we have a deal then."


Rosalind and Tom stepped into the Great Hall, fingers intertwined, the next morning. She liked the way all eyes immediately went to them, making them the centre of attention. This always occurred when they were together.

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